Monday, October 5, 2020

Political Post Hiatus...I'm Burned Out. :)

About 7 months or so ago, Covid-19 was really ramping up, people were being sequestered at home, self isolating, being laid off, some lost their jobs, companies closed, the world was confused, scared, people were alone, bored, and some were very lonely. 

The last roughly 4 years have been gob smacked bizarre and just surreal. And of course Covid only compounded that insanity. In about 3 weeks we're having an election, and Thank God!!! for that. Regardless who wins, no matter how long it takes to determine a winner, the potential chaos, probable violence (hopefully not) from minimal, to some new version of a civil war (doubled quadrupled hope not) least this "phase" will be done. The campaign slogans, signs, robocalls, the ads begging for money, the lies, the lies about the lies, the lies coming from the lying liars that lie about lying...will, well they won't stop, but they will calm down for a bit, change direction, sort of tamp down for a time, and that will be an enormous blessing. 

I have a few people that are somewhat entertained by my posts here, and on some social media venues (though God only knows why). So at that time, I figured I'd sort of increase posts, try to make people distracted, try to make some people laugh, posting a bunch of silly memes, sometimes making a point, maybe helping to elucidate on a few facts, just generally maybe, perhaps, possibly, make a few isolated people a bit happier. Not sure I succeeded in that, but an effort was made.  

At this point though, nothing I say or do is going to matter, on the political front. People have had about 4 years to evaluate the Trumpian doctrine, agenda, modus operandi...or really the lack of the aforementioned, and people are either going to vote, not vote, and will vote however they've decided. On a personal level, I could not be less enthusiastic about my voting options...but there it is. What I do know is, I am spent on watching and reading news, hearing blathering, babbling, bloviating, pompous platitudes and promises from candidates, and have seen and posted an overload of memes...and am taking a bit of a break from those sorts of posts....for the most part. I'll still be blogging...just less of that type of content.  :)


  1. Vanessa,
    I want to thank you for all the thought and heart and work you have put into your blogg the past six months. I stumbled onto this a couple of weeks into the shutdown and it has been a daily bright spot in all this madness.
    On the afternoon of March 13th we shut down everything. I was filming a comedy for Netflix and in the middle of the day we were told to walk away. I covered the cameras and the rest of my equipment and have not been back since. Everything is still there waiting for us, covered in dust. I have not seen my friends or family is all this time and I have no idea what comes next. I am one of those people out there floating in space that you reached.
    Your postings brought smiles and thought, and I even reposted some of them here and there on my own social media stuff with the delightful outcome sometimes of losing followers. :-) Enjoy your well deserved hiatus from the weirdness!

    1. Wow, a "satisfied" reader...I must be still be asleep and dreaming. On a serious note, thank you for mentioning all this as I never know if my bloviating babblement is appreciated much, or mostly read my bots, or its nice to hear. Thank you. :)

  2. Vanessa - your blog is a beacon of light in an otherwise often dark world. It is much loved and appreciated, even here across 'the pond'. The world will be watching with baited breath as the results unfold.


    1. Thank you for the compliment. I will be "bating breath" as well...but things will all be fine, one way or the other. :)

  3. Thanks Vanessa as Poppet says...even this side of the pond we enjoy your blog, ramblings, insightful comments and the pics! Stay sane, stay safe!

  4. Thank you Vanessa for your brilliant blog, I can honestly say that I now come here more for your insightful view of what is going on on your side of the pond as a genuine person living through the current administration, thank you for keeping it real x

    1. "Real"? With the current administration...I'm not even sure what "real' means anymore, lol. Thank you for the nice message. :)

  5. I agree that the campaign (pain) BS can't end soon enough. What a huge waste of time and money.
    That said, I have enjoyed your perspectives and as mentioned by Kopekane above I have even "borrowed" some of your insightful words to share on my limited social media.
    I, for one, will look forward to whatever you wish to post here.

  6. Thank you for hanging in there these past six months. I enjoyed the ride.

  7. I really enjoy your posts and regularly share them with my partner/Domme.

    She shared one with me recently that made me think of you, but I wasn't sure how to get it to you.

    Take care.

    1. Thank you for letting me know. It is very much appreciated, more so knowing someone would actually find my rambling amusing/interesting enough to actually share or spread around.

  8. My apologies if this came through twice, I am having login issues with my blogger account.

    I really enjoy your posts and regularly share them with my partner/Domme.

    She recently shared a meme with you that made me think of you but I wasn't sure how to get it to you.

    Take care.

  9. Message received and replied to.
    Message received and replied to.
    Redundancy is good.
    Redundancy is good.
    Saying it twice.
    Saying it twice. :)

    1. :)

      I probably should have actually proof-read my comment before hitting publish.

      My partner shared a meme with me that I thought you might like, but I wasn't sure how to get it to you :)

    2. My e-mail is my name...Vanessa Chaland
      No spaces...
