Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Greed...is optional.  

She not only *over* Photo-shopped her whole face...she even smoothed out her tongue. 



Horse Drawn Bus: Circa 1890s. 


A very cozy looking rustic home. 

This just looks....scrumptious.  :)


Sunset Sea Cave. 

Daedunsan South Korea. 

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Here's Your Christmas Card.....Bitches. :)

Remember when Elaine Benes (from Seinfeld) had her nipple slip out for a Christmas card photo? Merry Christmas!!!   😁

Public Universal Friend - "Genderless" Evangelical Preacher.

(This popped up in one of my feeds today...which I found interesting.) 

Born: Jemima Wilkinson - November 29, 1752 - Died: July 1, 1819 (aged 66)

The "Public Universal Friend" was an American preacher born in Cumberland, Rhode Island, to Quaker parents. The Friend suffered a severe illness in 1776 and reported having died and been reanimated as a genderless evangelist named the Public Universal Friend, and afterwards shunned both birth name and gendered pronouns. In androgynous clothes, the Friend preached throughout the northeastern United States, attracting many followers who became the Society of Universal Friends.

Friday, December 6, 2019

US lost more tax revenue than any other developed country in 2018 due to Trump tax cuts.

Gee...you mean that whole "Reaganomics - Trickle Down - Bush/Trump/GOP Tax Cuts" for the rich thingie they've been lying about for 40 years doesn't work? Whomever would have known that? You know...besides simply everyone, with common sense beyond that of a 4th grader.   :)


"We have a situation where we're looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms, where you turn the faucet on in areas where there's tremendous amounts of water, where it all flows out to sea because you could never handle it all, and you don't get any water," he said. "They take a shower and water comes dripping out, very quietly dripping out. People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once; they end up using more water. So EPA is looking very strongly at that, at my suggestion.

"You go into a new building, new house, a new home, and they have standards where don't get water, and you can't wash your hands practically; there's so little water," he added. "And the end result is that you leave the faucet on, and it takes you much longer to wash your hands, and you end up using the same amount of water. So we're looking very seriously at opening up the standard, and there may be some areas where we go the other route, desert areas, but for the most part, you have states where they have so much water where it comes down — it's called rain — that they don't know what to do with it." 

What the fuck is this incompetent, deranged, ignorant, moron babbling about?  :)


Don't Minimize Small Accomplishments.  :)


I could never in a million years bake a cake that is even 1/10th as good looking as this one is. 

This lovely and charming woman crocheted all these hats, for a local homeless shelter.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Spanking Paddles - Discipline and Punishment Implements.

Regarding my post yesterday: Spanking - Discipline and Punishment - Implements....a few people commented or contacted me about my not mentioning paddles. So, the text below and the photo immediately after it are from a reader (the items on the purple material, and it looks like a nice collection, nothing ridiculously sized, all very functional) the rest of the text after that, is from me.  

Dear Ms. Vanessa, Your post on December 3 really "struck home!" I took this pic of the implements my wife likes to use when she decides to punish me. (I tried to paste it, along with this note, on your blog but blogspot wouldn't accept the pic).  I think her favorite is the slapper, to the right of the hair brush. It’s fairly hefty, and she knows she can really get my attention with it. She loves the “slappy sounds” it makes on contact, especially when she is especially serious about making her point. I like it because it is sexy black leather, the slappy sounds are a nice complement to the intense burning in my ass, and knowing that she likes it makes it a more meaningful and intense experience for me. She also really likes the cane. She enjoys hearing the whistling sound it makes on its way to delivering its punishment. And she likes the immediate feedback of seeing a nasty welt on my ass or thigh after a single stroke. For me the whistling sound of the cane, on its way to my ass is a delicious part of the punishment experience. A single strike of the cane takes the cake for sending a scorching message. My wife can set my ass on fire with a bunch of strokes from any of the other tools, but nothing sends a single strike message than the cane. Yours, "Candy Striper" 

The persons name has been withheld by me, but as he is a doctor, and I am a perpetual smartass...I call him "Candy Striper". 

Paddles are usually wood, of varying type, and varying sizes. Some people will use leather paddles, but as we all know, they are generally wood.  But really, a large enough, heavy and wide enough chunk of leather could be considered a paddle. 

I have made a few wooden paddles myself, but I designed them to be "Purse Paddles" (for the disciplinarian on the go, giggles to self) so they are smaller sized. Really, if one thinks about it, a wood hairbrush is a sort of small "paddle" and anything larger obviously is. 

My aversion to most paddles is the size that some people make them. A smallish one, sure. Those that are much larger remind me of an oar. As "Candy Striper" mentioned above, some have a "slappy" sound...depending on size. The larger ones have less of a "slappy" or stingy effect, and more of a "thuddy" effect. I prefer the "whippy" sound of implements cutting through the air, and impacting bare flesh. And one does have to use caution of not hitting the coccyx (the tailbone) with a large heavy paddle as damage could occur. 

So, where does one draw the line as far as size? I'm not sure really. I mean an oar *could* be used as a paddle I suppose. A small one, perhaps.


But very quickly people go overboard (pun fully intended dammit) and soon you have...this monstrosity that I found online. Its advertised as being 5' long.

This one is advertised as being 6' long. Yes, you read that correctly. 6 feet long and 1 foot wide. I mean, I'm 5' 5" tall. What the hell would I do with a paddle that is 7" taller than me. I'd need more than two hands, just to swing it. 

That's not a paddle...its a fucking oar for a boat the size of...the Titanic.  :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Spanking - Discipline and Punishment - Implements.

Its always a good idea to have a wide assortment of implements to use for punishment. Not only do different types serve a purpose, but they also can make it more fun for you (although not for them). Here is a basic list of things I use.

1: Switches and canes. Beyond the standard rattan canes, I find bundles of very thin rattan cane reeds and tie them together. I also will look for other types of thin whippy plants that can be tied into groups and used as birch rods. At certain times of the year, the various saplings, "shooters" and so on that grow by a river bank are perfect. A handful of fresh green switches, with the little branches and leaves left on for added effect, will do wonders to bare submissive male flesh.

2: Your standard riding crop. Great for straight down, full range of motion strokes.

3: A good firm backed chair for OTK spankings. It really needs to be armless as chairs with arms will impede your swinging motion and you might bang your elbow. 

4: An ottoman that I like to have them lay over for punishment, or the types of spanking benches I make where the height is correct. Not as high as a bed, plus portability is a bonus.

5: An assortment of leather straps and wood hairbrushes.

Welts and bruises should be very apparent when one is finished, and visible on both the bottom and the backs of the upper thighs. I apply extra hard strokes to the thighs to really drive home a lesson, with all the above implements, but I really prefer using a hairbrush and switches for that area.

If you punish in a real no nonsense manner you can be assured to get better results. Never mind pleas for leniency or promises to change (beyond a safe word). Some may actually start shedding real tears. Pay no attention. You decide when their bottom has been punished enough. When they're sobbing and laying contrite over your lap, then is the time to elevate the punishment for at least a few dozen more strokes. And of course bare bottom exposed corner time could follow any discipline session, or before as well. This gives them time to contemplate their misdeeds and it gives you time to focus your energy and thoughts to be able to administer a long, hard punishment session.

Holy Hell....My Head Hurts!!! :)

Because...Lincoln grew up extremely poor, often lacking food, never went to school beyond the 4th grade, read all the time, became a lawyer through an apprentice program, went on to become the President, was POTUS during the Civil War, which lead to the freedom of millions of slaves.

Trump was born filthy rich, spent his lifetime screwing small contractors out of money after they worked on his nasty hotels and casinos, gropes and sexually assaults women, dodged the draft, is a tax fraud, and has gone bankrupt 6 times. 

Why has it never occurred to racist idiots that the GOP as the "Party of Lincoln" (who sided with the North and freed the slaves) and the Confederate flag waving South (which fought to keep slavery) are diametrically opposed? I mean seriously...pick a team.  :)

Anyway....Melania is still trying to....


Can you smell the....MAGA?  :) 

Its gotta really suck when your wannabe sanctimonious, holier than thou Christian website advertisers are running ads with half naked women on the page.  :) 

Not unlike other wanna be fascist dictator, authoritarian unpatriotic douchebags...Trump wants all Americans to submit to facial recognition photos and bio-metric scans. I'm so tired of big government Republicans sticking their noses into the lives of private Americans. When they're not trying to identify, spy on and track everyone, which is a violation of the Constitution of the United States, they're trying to say who can have sex with whom, how often and in what position, ban porn, ban free speech, oppress women and everyone from the LGBTQIA community, force their religion on you, take your kids to die for more of their illegal and failed wars, while giving themselves tax breaks on money they never even earned....nor deserve. 


So sorry about your barn.  :)


Temple of Apollo in the Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe.

There Was an Attempt to Criticize and Blame Immigrants....