Sunday, December 8, 2019

Public Universal Friend - "Genderless" Evangelical Preacher.

(This popped up in one of my feeds today...which I found interesting.) 

Born: Jemima Wilkinson - November 29, 1752 - Died: July 1, 1819 (aged 66)

The "Public Universal Friend" was an American preacher born in Cumberland, Rhode Island, to Quaker parents. The Friend suffered a severe illness in 1776 and reported having died and been reanimated as a genderless evangelist named the Public Universal Friend, and afterwards shunned both birth name and gendered pronouns. In androgynous clothes, the Friend preached throughout the northeastern United States, attracting many followers who became the Society of Universal Friends.


  1. I learn so much reading this blog i feel like my head is gonna explode. And if it's not the big head it's the little one.

    1. Rumor on the street is (rumor I'm starting here and now) *both* your heads are...small. :)
