Thursday, September 22, 2022

Musings... :)

Remember when the first Mad Max movie came out and the costumes seemed so...far fetched, kinky, sexy, fetishy, freaky, dirty, nasty and unrealistic? 

Well, here we are now, and it's pretty much everyday wear for some people, lol.  :) 

Acronym Overload. 
I dislike it when terms I know get used by mainstream business and the media. I get confused when people say something I identify with one thing, and they mean something else. 
Cock Ball Torture?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
Computer Based Tutorial?
Criminal Breach of Trust?
Creditcard Blue Tooth?
Cadet Basic Training?
Confluenced Bastardized Totalitarianism? 
(Okay, I made that last one up, lol.)  
I'm sticking with...Cock Ball Torture.  :)


(Blog Reader Question Below, and My Reply.) 

Gooooooooood Morning Madame
"I know you limit your cuck’s access to penetrating you to a few times a year, for a host of reasons. But I was wondering how restrictive you were of him orgasming at all and do you feel orgasm denial is an effective tool in a FLR. I would think most definitely but I have read where that’s not always the case. Just wondering your take on the matter. If you wouldn’t mind sharing that is. 

What the hell do I care about his pathetic orgasms?  He's never allowed to do that until I am done, done again, and redone. After that, he can jerk off with his cuckold lotion, unless I'm in the mood to make it more painful and humiliating.  :)

Why I could never be the "Boss Lady" of a big company.  :) 

(The Following Was Found Online. Not my Writing.)

We are a generation that will never come back!
A generation that walked to school and then walked back.
A generation that did their homework alone to get out asap to play in the street.
A generation that spent all their free time on the street with their Friends.
A generation that played hide and seeks in the dark.
A generation that made mud cakes.
A generation that collected sports cards.
A generation that found, collected, washed & Returned empty coke bottles to the local grocery store for 5 cents each, then bought a Mountain Dew and a candy bar with the money.
A generation that made paper toys with their bare hands.
A generation who bought vinyl albums to play on record players.
A generation that collected photos and albums of clippings.
A generation that played board games and cards on rainy days.
A generation whose TV went off at midnight after playing the National Anthem.
A generation that had parents who were there.
A generation laughed under the covers in bed so parents didn't know we were still awake.
A generation who recorded the latest songs on the top 10 charts from the radio, having to keep your finger on the stop/pause button when the radio presenter starts speaking before the song ends...
A generation with high regard for the cassette player(TDK).
A generation who helped mom put up the trimmings against the ceiling at Christmas time
A Generation who ate all meals together and actually spoke to each other.
There were no Cell phones, laptops, desktop computers, Internet, or Social media
A generation that is passing and unfortunately it will never return!!..
I loved Growing up when I did.✌🏻✌🏻😎

My Suggested Reply to FemDoms being Approached by Submissive Men.  :)

Your application is still being evaluated. Its not looking good. Apparently, your resume shows you've never, ever, ever...sexually satisfied a woman. That sort of despicable sexual inferiority does not bode well. I mean, this is an exclusive club with high standards. Limp dicks, fast comers, premature ejaculators, shrimp dicks, lesser, men, half men, inferior not really add anything to the overall tenor or tone of this agenda and ideology. Stay tuned...and in the meantime, go suck a bag of dicks. :)
While every woman appreciates compliments, some guys overdo it. I mean...I'm just regular old boring average me and when some guys go off on the whole "Goddess of the Most Glorious Gorgeous Goddess of the Most Goddessy Goddessness" blah, blah, blah...its not pleasant and makes most women uncomfortable. So I try to dissuade that sort of verbiage. Brevity is often the best.  :)

So, I've mostly been off of any sort of social media for months or years now and...I don't miss it one bit. I see headlines about it, the attitudes, the drama, the PC wankerism, the back and forth, the stupidity, and of course those that are endlessly crying "victim" about anything and everything. And I hate to say this, it's mostly other women, usually screaming about being sexually objectified, while wearing a piece of string up their ass, bent over, cell cam stuck in their labia, I mean, I can see their cervix. 

 "Objectification" is subjective. Women "objectify" men, just as much as men do women. Might sometimes be in a different way, sometimes not, but my main point is, this whole thing, hormones, sex, reproduction, commerce, the confluence of them all, is something that will never go away, and in most cases it should not. Bad things should be dealt with, but the drama queens have tried to make everything sexual that happens be seen as "bad" and in most cases, they simply are not. Can't have your cake and eat it to. I'm all for sex workers doing what they want, all for nudity, porn, topless beaches, swingers clubs, BDSM dungeons, whatever...but if others are also for it, and are engaging in it (not talking about nonconsensual touching, groping or rape here obviously) if we want equality, and we want freedom, stop whining cuz some dude is checking out your tits and ass. 
What am I in part talking about? 

Just shut the fuck up already.   :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Suck it. Suck it Long...and Suck it Hard! :)

I'm ready for it to be fall. I like the summer, but this has been a long and hot one. I'm ready for some cooler weather, some Holiday stuff, jingling some balls, some Ho-Ho-Ho action, and for a break. I've been so busy this last month or so, no time to write blog posts, not as much I like anyway. I enjoy writing, so when I do posts like this one, just memes, I feel like I "cheated" myself from the ability to fully unload by brain...if that makes sense. However, now that things are calming out for forthcoming rambling babbling babblement, lol.  : ) 

Cunnilingus? If its oral sex...why isn't it called oralingus? 

Politics, Sex and Underwear.  
That's pretty much what life is about, right?

Yeah, what the meme below says.
Or maybe some, just need a good hard bitchslap.  :) 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Porn and Tax The MotherFucking Churches!! :)

Alright...major bitchfest rant forthcoming, lol.  :)

Churches and religion should be about helping the poor, charity, forgiveness, empathy, benevolence, helping others, being in service to humankind, altruism, lending aid to the sick, acts of compassion and details of that least according to the person known as Jesus, who reputedly said as much, in the Sermon on the Mount

So, why is it that pretty much all we hear about these days, organized religion wise, is graft, bribery, theft, greed, sex abuse, sex scandals and sex affairs. And as usual, of course, those same people chastising other people, unmarried sex, oral sex, anal sex, kinky sex, "buttsecs", FemDom sex, porn sex, stripper sex, gay sex, trans sex, lesbian sex, fetish sex, non-missionary position sex, unmoral sex, immoral sex, far-too-frequent-sex, recreational sex, fun sex, doggystyle sex, tribadism sex, group sex, cuckold sex, masturbation sex, dildo sex and very sexy sexual sexualzed sex? 

Those people have no moral authority on the issue. They have zero credibility on the topi, and, it's none of their fucking business. Plus the greed aspect and separation of Church and State factors...which they ignore. And the 1st Amendment...which they pretend doesn't exist, but most love to jump right to the 2nd Amendment...which they love. Fuck 'em.

Tax the MotherFucking Churches, heavily, retroactively for say...about the last 5 decades or so, and enforce the laws that are in the US Constitution that demarcates where they can, and can not, have influence on laws and public policy. And lastly, anyone abusing parishioners, men, women and especially children, and anyone covering for them, and I mean anyone, arrest them, prosecute them, and incarcerate them to the fullest extend of the law. Again...Fuck 'em.

Side note, I personally know many, many, many very good people, straight up honest people with ethics and integrity, that are religious and are fantastic people. I am not slamming religion as a whole, nor religious people. I am talking about the business of religion, the profit aspect, those that are more concerned with protecting the bank accounts and the reputation of the organization...instead of the people they do harm to. Most average religious people are just fine, or at least tolerable, but the hierarchy and the business portion, once again...Fuck 'em.  :) 

Speculation is conservative anti-porn organizations like the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (formerly Morality In Media) and Exodus Cry have been putting political pressure on companies to cut off financial resources for adult performers. 

A group of NY clergy took more than $1 million from a real estate developer who sought to turn distressed Black churches into lucrative properties, according to settlements with the state’s attorney general. Settlements show a bishop, two pastors and a pastor’s wife sought to conceal kickbacks from congregations that owned the buildings, as well as from state officials.

 A Utah lawmaker and attorney for the Mormon Church advised a bishop not to report a confession of sex abuse to authorities, a decision that allowed the abuse to continue for years.

The issue is the release by the SBC of a 205-page document naming hundreds of Baptist leaders and members accused or found guilty of sexual abuse of children. The list included 700 entries on cases between 2000 and 2019, stating convention’s leaders failed the public and its community by mishandling sexual abuse cases and mistreating victims and survivors. 


From a custom video of mine...religious theme of sorts, a "Nun" punishing a "Monk". 
That's all the "religion" you need...right there.   :)

Monday, September 5, 2022

Could be...a Blog Post. :)

I am...Liquid Sex. 
Just mentioning that. 
I also put Vodka on my Wheaties...
So pay no attention to my, delusional claims, lol.  :)


We need more of this. We need sensible people that respect and will defend the 1st Amendment, from the lunatics on the left, and the right. If people are afraid of information, if the are afraid of words, if they are scared of education, if knowledge, facts, history, science and ideas strike fear in their hearts, what kind of people and nation are we? 

Crossdressing you say? What the hell is "crossdressing"? Some men wear kilts. Jesus wore a skirt. Some Muslim men wear an article of clothing called thoub/thobe, dishdasha or kandora. Some Catholic priests wear cassocks. Judges wear robes. Men wear bathrobes. Polynesian men wear a skirt called a lavalava. Native American men had a skirt called a loincloth. Women wear pants (well, some do, some like me, wear no pants, lol) Wear what you want, and be kind to yourself. :)

"How is your day going?" I hate it when people actually ask me how my day is going? Fine...I got up, tried to recall my name, read a few headlines, realized that most of the world is stark raving insane, ate a couple of pancakes, yelled at my dogs out the window as they're a stick. I flipped them off, they flipped me off, I looked around, tried, but could not locate my I laid back down. Typical Vanessa day. I mean, I find some days overwhelming. As in, the "whelm" is just, staggering in its "overness".  :)


People Asking for BDSM Submissive "Advice". Advice? Protect yourself. Protect your privacy, health, and safety of course, but also protect your sanity, spirituality, mental health and your "wholesomeness". Kinky does not mean, and should not include, demented or dangerous. Like any other aspect of life, any demographic, there are a few nuts cases that exploit and abuse other human beings. Avoiding them just comes down to proper vetting. Far too many people, male, female, trans, whatever, let the..."aura" or vibe of BDSM and wanting to be a good supplicant or submissive warp their judgment and allow themselves to be taken advantage of, trying to fit into a mythical mold of how a "good submissive" should act, which is nonsense. We are all unique, the desires, lusts, needs of one, has nothing to do with the same for another...if that makes sense. Be who you are, be real, be sincere, but don't fall into a trap of thinking you're second best...just to put a dominant person on a pedestal. Does that help? If something needs clarification, let me know. I rest assured however that your ratiocination skills will discern the gist of my rambling babblement. :)
Desist in your dastardly deeds regarding ribald raucous revelry revolving around prurient pursuits that often pertain to perverted pleasures resulting in philoprogenitive production...parthenogenesis notwithstanding. (Yeah yeah, I know...I got "issues", lol. I have partaken (partook? partooketh? partaketh?) in too much alliteration...once again.)   :) 


So tired of the Gun Debate. Some people are still missing one salient point, its not about a militia or hunting, it was placed there because of King George. It was placed there so people could defend themselves against an out of control government. When I look at North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, or any one of other types of nations run by dictators, one major difference between the US and those nations? The people don't own guns. That fact alone, is a huge deterrant to dickheads that want to dominate other people's whole lives. The knowledge that the populace can start shooting the fuck out of politicians helps to keep them in check. The 2nd Amendment is there, it's not going away anytime soon, if ever, and I support it. And regarding King George...figure of speech.  :)

People have been babbling about "gun control" forever. And that term is subjective. We already have gun control. You can't own a bazooka or a cannon. That is gun control. Some people want guns banned entirely, others think automatic weapons are fine, so there will never be a consensus on how much "control" is appropriate. Background checks solve little as anyone can buy a gun off the street. The concept of "prohibitions for individuals with domestic violence restraining orders" as being something beneficial is flawed as a lot of those are false accusations, it's called prior restraint, and again, anyone can buy a gun from their neighbor...trying the same stupid things over and over is silly. 

Maybe they should look at this from another angle, as in, why are so many Americans so violent and filled with hate? Maybe fixing that problem would reduce random shootings, it's worth the effort at least. What I know for sure, with 3-D printers and the evolution of that technology, which is only going to improve, where people can make their own guns at home, trying to regulate ownership and sales, is not going to happen. That's a 1980's mentality, which is sort of where our "leadership" is stuck. There are hundreds of millions of guns in the USA, that are passed from generation to generation, they are everywhere, that is not going to change. As I said, people keep blurting out the same stats and tripe, with no effort at trying to seek out the cause of the anger and violence. Until that happens, nothing will change. Background checks, point of sale regulations, the usual talking points spewed out by politicians is not going to have any appreciable effect. This aspect of the gun conversation is pointless. 


The End.  :) 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Decidedly...this is a Blog Post. :)

You may be saying to yourself..."I've think I've seen this photo before." 

You may well be right. 
Or, was it...this one?

Or how about...this one? 

You have no idea right? Well guess what, you bunch of perverted pervertable perverts...I have no fucking idea either, lol. I mean, I take pics, they all look the same to me, and I never keep track of what I've posted or not. From my perspective, and perhaps from yours, the thought might be..."Get out of the way we can see the carpet." But let me add the caveat, I'm a chronic vacillator, have ADD, a short term memory, smoke too much weed, put Vodka on my Froot Loops, am seriously geographically challenged, get lost easily, so, you opinion means nothing.  :) 

Be nice to others. Try to be nicer to others. One can not be "too" nice, right? Well maybe. Being nice should not be conflated with letting someone take advantage of your generous time and effort...or your money, body, or soul...
Tech Support said: The service backing search queries appears to have an internal issue. I’d guess it’s a proxy service that just calls a bunch of other services and coalesces the data into a query result. 

"Vanessa Support" rewrite: She was serviced backdoor (orally) after searching for her "query" (clitoris) and other internal "issues" (vaginal probing). I'd guess a "proxy service" (stand in lover) that calls up a bunch of other services (sex slaves) and coalesces (orgy) her data (booty) into a query result (clitoral orgasms).  A little tweaking, and that's some "quality" smut...right there, lol. :) 

In my years on this planet I've come to realize that what many people exude as "confidence", is usually fear packed into a "front" that they project to the world. The flip side is the quiet, not-calling-attention-to-themselves people that don't need the accolades or adulation of the "crowd". Its sort of backwards really. The loudmouths, the ones preening and prancing around that get all the attention are in reality scared that one day the "applause" will stop. The people that don't need that, those that are truly secure, that have no fear of being themselves, are just fine being off in a quiet corner because they are "truly" secure from within. 

For everyone on earth, the mirror always lies. It tells some of us that we are ugly, too short, too tall, fat, skinny, too white, too dark or whatever. And for others they look in the mirror and see nothing but beauty and fabulousness, when in reality they are just average. 

Everyone has a past, and baggage and guilt and fears. While one part of me has a "public" profile in some aspects of my life, the majority of me is very private. I've never desired to be anything or anyone other than who I am...warts and all. When I do look at public figures of people that I admire, its not the bloviating arrogant types that were born rich and have done nothing for humanity. I admire Gandhi, MLK, Jimmy Carter, Sister Theresa, Dalai Lama...people of peace, that are benevolent and altruistic that used their public positions to further the advances of mankind, and not just to pump up an ego. :)


Climate change is horrible, droughts and water shortages are tragic, but what the dropping water levels are revealing is fascinating from a historical, archaeological and anthropological standpoint. Not that gaining this information or these discoverys offsets the plight of so many people suffering, not one bit. But as a "byproduct" of what's occurring, it is very interesting. 

Climate change has left parts of Spain at their driest in more than 1,000 years.

The receding waters have exposed the ruins of an 11th-century church in the usually submerged village of Sant Roma de Sau. 

Speaking of droughts...the picture below represents my current sex life right now, lol. :)

I don't know about anyone else, but I am beyond tired and bored with the rantings and drama of the "woke" left. I support, well regular readers know what I support and advocate for, but increasingly I think some of these people are just screaming to hear themselves scream, protesting just to protest, creating havoc with no clearly identifiable agenda or goal in mind, no defined mission, and are just a bunch of self aborbed, ranting fucking lunatics...and a pain in the ass. Sort of reminds me of the "Occupy Wall Street" protests, which accomplished, nothing, zilch, zero, nada...not a damn thing. 

I sometimes feel like I am more and more isolated, sort of  "politically homeless". I don't really care because belonging to a political party means nothing to me. But right now the extremists on both the far left and the far right, seem to garner all the headlines, they get all the media attention, which is unfortunate because the majority of people in the USA are overall, somewhere in the middle. It feels like there are maybe 7261 (or whatever) Twitter accounts run by a few hundred people that create most of the drama and noise, and everyone else is just mostly minding their own business. I mean, the same obviously applying to Facebook, Reddit etc. Most other people are having fascinating and intelligent conversations, some people meet, play, some fall in love and marry, some people form lifelong friendships, arrange meetings, munches, and booty calls, while this small group of "SumBeyotches" just freak out, whining and cancelling others, and each other, and bitch, bitch, bitch. Fuck 'em!  :) 


I've mentioned that I have very little to do with viewing TV, cartoons, video games, Anime, Manga, or anything of that nature. So, when someone sent me the video below, I was amazed at how lifelike it is. Yes, I am a good 10 years or so behind (don't even care) so it might not impress anyone else, but I was stunned by the realistic nature of of it, and also find it sort of unsettling. I'm just not sure why anyone would want to replace actual human flesh, with animated cartoonish fake human flesh? The same applies to sex robots, the so called "pocket pussies", Fleshlights, blow up dolls and so on.  :)