Monday, September 5, 2022

Could be...a Blog Post. :)

I am...Liquid Sex. 
Just mentioning that. 
I also put Vodka on my Wheaties...
So pay no attention to my, delusional claims, lol.  :)


We need more of this. We need sensible people that respect and will defend the 1st Amendment, from the lunatics on the left, and the right. If people are afraid of information, if the are afraid of words, if they are scared of education, if knowledge, facts, history, science and ideas strike fear in their hearts, what kind of people and nation are we? 

Crossdressing you say? What the hell is "crossdressing"? Some men wear kilts. Jesus wore a skirt. Some Muslim men wear an article of clothing called thoub/thobe, dishdasha or kandora. Some Catholic priests wear cassocks. Judges wear robes. Men wear bathrobes. Polynesian men wear a skirt called a lavalava. Native American men had a skirt called a loincloth. Women wear pants (well, some do, some like me, wear no pants, lol) Wear what you want, and be kind to yourself. :)

"How is your day going?" I hate it when people actually ask me how my day is going? Fine...I got up, tried to recall my name, read a few headlines, realized that most of the world is stark raving insane, ate a couple of pancakes, yelled at my dogs out the window as they're a stick. I flipped them off, they flipped me off, I looked around, tried, but could not locate my I laid back down. Typical Vanessa day. I mean, I find some days overwhelming. As in, the "whelm" is just, staggering in its "overness".  :)


People Asking for BDSM Submissive "Advice". Advice? Protect yourself. Protect your privacy, health, and safety of course, but also protect your sanity, spirituality, mental health and your "wholesomeness". Kinky does not mean, and should not include, demented or dangerous. Like any other aspect of life, any demographic, there are a few nuts cases that exploit and abuse other human beings. Avoiding them just comes down to proper vetting. Far too many people, male, female, trans, whatever, let the..."aura" or vibe of BDSM and wanting to be a good supplicant or submissive warp their judgment and allow themselves to be taken advantage of, trying to fit into a mythical mold of how a "good submissive" should act, which is nonsense. We are all unique, the desires, lusts, needs of one, has nothing to do with the same for another...if that makes sense. Be who you are, be real, be sincere, but don't fall into a trap of thinking you're second best...just to put a dominant person on a pedestal. Does that help? If something needs clarification, let me know. I rest assured however that your ratiocination skills will discern the gist of my rambling babblement. :)
Desist in your dastardly deeds regarding ribald raucous revelry revolving around prurient pursuits that often pertain to perverted pleasures resulting in philoprogenitive production...parthenogenesis notwithstanding. (Yeah yeah, I know...I got "issues", lol. I have partaken (partook? partooketh? partaketh?) in too much alliteration...once again.)   :) 


So tired of the Gun Debate. Some people are still missing one salient point, its not about a militia or hunting, it was placed there because of King George. It was placed there so people could defend themselves against an out of control government. When I look at North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, or any one of other types of nations run by dictators, one major difference between the US and those nations? The people don't own guns. That fact alone, is a huge deterrant to dickheads that want to dominate other people's whole lives. The knowledge that the populace can start shooting the fuck out of politicians helps to keep them in check. The 2nd Amendment is there, it's not going away anytime soon, if ever, and I support it. And regarding King George...figure of speech.  :)

People have been babbling about "gun control" forever. And that term is subjective. We already have gun control. You can't own a bazooka or a cannon. That is gun control. Some people want guns banned entirely, others think automatic weapons are fine, so there will never be a consensus on how much "control" is appropriate. Background checks solve little as anyone can buy a gun off the street. The concept of "prohibitions for individuals with domestic violence restraining orders" as being something beneficial is flawed as a lot of those are false accusations, it's called prior restraint, and again, anyone can buy a gun from their neighbor...trying the same stupid things over and over is silly. 

Maybe they should look at this from another angle, as in, why are so many Americans so violent and filled with hate? Maybe fixing that problem would reduce random shootings, it's worth the effort at least. What I know for sure, with 3-D printers and the evolution of that technology, which is only going to improve, where people can make their own guns at home, trying to regulate ownership and sales, is not going to happen. That's a 1980's mentality, which is sort of where our "leadership" is stuck. There are hundreds of millions of guns in the USA, that are passed from generation to generation, they are everywhere, that is not going to change. As I said, people keep blurting out the same stats and tripe, with no effort at trying to seek out the cause of the anger and violence. Until that happens, nothing will change. Background checks, point of sale regulations, the usual talking points spewed out by politicians is not going to have any appreciable effect. This aspect of the gun conversation is pointless. 


The End.  :) 


  1. What a way to start a blog post, I mean, great grinning gluten. I nearly spilt my tea :)

    As usual I agree with much of what you say but then you went and mentioned guns and the rest of the world quietly rolled its collective eyes. Sorry I will never understand Americans obsession with the right to be shot. I agree that the issue is deeper than simply guns themselves and the real issue is why so many (usually men) are so aggressive in the USA (and elsewhere).But, giving these same people easy access to lethal force is frankly insane. Fights with fists or even attacks with knives are survivable, being shot sadly is all too often not. The gun death stats from the USA are horrific so my own suggestion would be give up the firearms now whilst the guys work out their anger management issues rather than the other way around.

    Maybe a gun amnesty where people get a picture of your butt sans pants in exchange for their firearms would work :)


    1. All points noted Poppet, great grinning gluten guns galore. :)

      No one wants to be shot, just being pragmatic. 300 million plus guns are not going to be surrendered voluntarily, so that leaves the option of the government taking them...which is not going to go well. Reality is...what it is. Sometimes things are, just what and how they are. Trying to move forward and make society safer is the objective, not sticking on what the rest of the world does, or thinks, or their history etc. Anyway, hope you are improving. :)

  2. Vanessa
    Your ass is an absolutely adorable asset!
    And sexy too…..
    Your days sound like my days except I squeeze in a round of golf:)
    Fun reading your thoughts

    1. Golf? I thought that was you...just playing with your balls. :)

  3. No that’s an entirely different activity:)
    I do go commando under my shorts….
    I would emulate Vanessa and go without any pants at all but people might talk:)

  4. BTW and FYI:)
    I go commando cause:
    One it’s cooler
    Two it’s more comfortable
    And most important: letting the package swing through smoothly with the hips help make the swing smooth and silky!
    It’s a zen golf thing:)
    The likes golfing

    1. This whole story you're trying to sell? Yeah, it sounds...suspect. :)

    2. It’s just simple physics:)
      An object in motion stays in motion
      In golf:
      Arms shoulders hips dick

    3. No idea. Never played golf. Never played miniture golf. Doubt I ever will. :)

    4. That makes me wonder...

    5. Seek and you shall find!
      When do you want to go:)?
      You know ladies have an advantage in nude golf
      They can carry a couple extra balls!
      They have to bend over a lot…..
      Distracting their male competitors!

    6. I exercise, work out, jog, swim, hike, do marital arts...but the only balls I play with, are the ones attached to a male. :)

    7. Baby steps first….
      Try putting a couple of golf balls in your vagina
      And going for a jog:)

    8. Yeah see...this is why I seek *only* my own council when it comes to personal trainer advice. :)

    9. Funny!
      Did you hear want a “special master “
      Pretty kinky:)

    10. As opposed to a...what, an unspecial master? :)

    11. Only the best for trump!

    12. That schmuck deserves nothing good in life, never did, never will. Trump is one of the stupidest, most infantile, greedy, selfish, intellectually and emotionally immature people I've ever heard of. Fuck Trump! :)

    13. Here here!!
      Biggest asshole in America……

  5. I feel like guns should be regulated like cars: You must have a license to operate, you have to register them and you must carry LIABILITY INSURANCE so when your dipshit kid shoots my wife, I can replace her income and not lose my life because you were carless. If guns are so safe, why doesn't the NRA offer "cheap" liability insurance to their members.

    1. I disagree, but you are entitled to your opinion.

    2. I agree with you hanging by a thread

  6. Ms. Chaland:

    Enjoyed the post very much....A lot of subjects that should be discussed more often for a better understanding. And as always a great beginning and end to the post.


  7. The first photo explains to 90% of men why she can and needs better. The freedom to suck and get thoroughly fucked by alpha men with big cocks. The rush she gets and deserves while taunting you after you go down on her after her alpha cock appointment.

    1. You give me far too much credit. But it is appreciated. :)
