Tuesday, May 2, 2023


Republicans keep wondering why they're losing the female vote...such a confusing conundrum...that they just can't figure out, lol.   :) 

( CSAM is "Child Sexual Abuse Material".)

Nope..no, it does not, one has nothing to do with the other. This effort has nothing to do with kids, it has to do with religious fundamentalists wanting to force their version of "Christian Taliban" laws onto everyone else. You don't want your kids seeing porn (or violence, or how to make bombs, or info encouraging bulimia or self harm) act like a fucking adult and restrict what your kids have access to. The Internet is not....your babysitter. 


This is most unfortunate...men are and have been getting a raw deal in the USA for years, maybe decades. More women go to college than men, and as a result of that more women are making increased salaries, more women are into "hook up" culture, but are mostly "banging" a small percent of men, meaning the same guys are banging most of the women and the rest of the guys are...getting nothing. Fewer people are getting married, and in some cases, based on the very "unscientific" meme below, one can sort of see why many men would not want to get married. So, if you factor in less income, less sex, less friendships, less opportunity, more isolation, and obviously other factors, it means a lot of guys are...lonely. Just not good. 

Roles have reversed, or at least altered, and so many guys are unsure of what society expects of them, and they're making a huge mistake by...giving a fuck. Go to the gym. Work. Work out. Educate yourselves. Engage in self care for yourself, enjoy your own hobbies, live your own life, and if/when you meet someone worthy of your time and energy, go with it, otherwise, find happiness anyway. Just keep in mind, for the most part women's "value" in society as far as the dating pool diminishes with age, and generally speaking, men's goes up. 



That's more than 10 times what the federal government spent on education. 

That's about...2.4 billion dollars...per day. Over 2 billion dollars, daily. For what? Are we at war? Nope. Are the soldiers overpaid? Nope. Are the Vets using the VA taken care of? Not really. So...where does this money go? 

These jets, cost roughly $80 million each. 
For the airframe and mission equipment only, the Lot 15-17 cost of F-35s ranges “from $70.2 million to $69.9 million for the F-35A, $80.9 million to $78.3 million for the F-35B, and $90 to $89.3 million for the F-35C,” a Lockheed spokesperson said. The whole "package" meaning to order a bunch of them...$412 Billion. Pushing a half a trillion dollars. So, we got some massively overpriced fighter jets, ready to kick ass...as long as the war is not anywhere near...rain. 

So, we got nearly $1300 coffee cups, in planes, that can't fly in the rain, but our kids can barely read or write, what in the living fuck is wrong with this picture? I'm so glad you asked. It's called the Military/Industrial/Congressional Complex. It's a few "fat cats" getting billionaire rich, off of tax payer dollars, wasting exorbitant amounts of money...while our schools go broke and some of our kids are dumber than a box of sand. 'Murica!!!  :) 


  1. Vanessa
    I agree in general but the good thing is that we had enough extra shit we bought the military just laying around that we gave to the Brave Ukraine army
    And they’re going to kick Putin’s ass up around his ears:)!

    1. Sure...but it also could have cost the tax payers, *should* have cost us, half price or a quarter, or a 10nth. :)

  2. The drones in Ukraine have shown that manned aircraft are obsolete
    That right there is going to save us a bunch of money
    Unfortunately we are going to have to keep a big military until China goes democratic
    Russia is finished as a global power
    Just my opinion

    1. Sort of getting off topic of my overall point there WC....just a wee tad....sort of like your...dick. :)

    2. Vanessa!!!!:)
      Et Tu?

    3. And besides
      The reason we spent all that money was to keep the authoritarian dictator’s from taking over the world
      Mission accomplished:)
      As baby bush said
      Money well spent in retrospect….
      Ask the Ukraines

    4. Course you’re right
      We wasted a boat load of money along the way

  3. As long as we are talking money, let’s review corruption.
    What are your thoughts on the Supremes? Mr Thomas in particular.

    1. Clarence, and perhaps a couple others...should be removed.

  4. Vanessa, Ma’am, a lot to take in…and a few comments…I will try to stick EXACTLY to addressing your points.

    The ERA Amendment’s allotted time to become an amendment by the Constitution dictates, expired in 1978….questionably extended until 1982….not sure what the legitimate process would be going forward…not sure Congress has the authority to make it an amendment at this late date.…..but I do agree the GOP (Grand Old Party) has lost its mind…gone off the deep end on so many issues….Have been one of them folks for my life…yet I do not recognize much that I now share…nor with the other side.

    A word about the education spending….when the spending by the states is included; the US spends annually about 800 Billion on education…not the most…but in the top 5 or so…Money not the problem in my humble opinion.

    And I have been on the supply side of selling to the government and the DOD….It is loaded with bureaucracy, red tape, and often unreasonable requirements for testing…You cannot do business unless you are an approved source…and they cannot buy except from an approved source….pretty incestuous…darn hard to break in….and of course with limited sources…not much competition to keep prices lower…….and then of course…..the government may only order 10 or 25 of something…with the same quality and testing requirements of the initial run of perhaps 100,000’s…10 years after the product is out of production…..and what initially may have cost $5/unit in large volume…now costs $500/unit for very small volumes…because of the setup times, the waste, and the retraining of new employees.

    And boo hoo for the poor men today…so sad…not getting much…..well pussy…..I for one applaud how Women have come into their own…Not sure the ERA is needed anymore…I know I have a male perspective, but I do believe that in the majority of life Women have an equal shake and opportunity….and by the way….I believe that Strong Women intimidate... boys…..and Excite Men…..I am excited for certain at all the strong Women around these days.
