Thursday, May 5, 2022

Reply to "Anonymous" May 5, 2022 at 5:37 AM.

AnonymousMay 5, 2022 at 5:37 AM
Thank you for your thoughtful response and clarification.....and I concur on your point about religion....most of the mores' and values in our society come from the Judeo-Christian background and teachings.....and killing is taught to be wrong...and the Christian faith encourages reaching out to yes vocal opposition...and more from both sides by the radicals....and as on most subjects in our country the leaders do all the talking...while the followers sit quietly with their own thoughts....I defintiely believe this to be true in the political parties.....I believe that the leaders of both parties on the federal level do not reflect most of the "small" people throughout America....and those leaders and the media blowing things up and continually reporting on them....often without a basis for doing so, divide our country more. Most of us, black, white, brown, yellow, rich, poor, republican, independent, libertarian, democrat, are much more alike in our thinking and who we are.....than the media portrays.......we just want competent and accountable lacking equally on both sides. Give me the next 535 people I meet to replace all the folks in Congress and we would be much better off.

As you no doubt know, many of our mores' and values were...plagiarized from earlier ancient religions, then rebranded under the label of "Judeo-Christianity". And most of those so called mores' and values are, in my opinion, a bunch of nonsense. What I mean is, for example, there are over 2000 references in the bible to poverty, and 6 references to homosexuality. So, which would someone think might be of the greater importance to self titled Christians? Charity and poverty? Nope. Gay sex. They obsess sex. In fact, I often think most of the religious right, fundamentalists, Christian, Jewish and Muslim, and the scriptures most pay attention to, focus almost exclusively on sex, the sex lives of others, controlling the sex lives of others, denying themselves sex (celibate monks, priests etc,) and sex/sex/sex. :) 

You are correct that most elected officals don't really match the wishes of the average voter. They need the votes to get into office, but they honor, worship and cater to the lobbyists that write the really large checks that fund those campaigns. Sure, regular people make small donations, and that counts for something, on a small level, but when a POTUS election cycle costs between 4 and 5 billion, (billion) most of that is coming from large corporations and a few rich people with an agenda. 

At the same time, we, the people, ultimately hire and fire them. We hire them through elections, and we can "fire" them at the next election. They are our employees. So swapping 535 for another 535 might not matter, if they aren't held accountable once in office. Most people pay attention to the big races, get caught up in the drama, the pagentry, the hype, but then pay little to no attention to local races or bond issues, or things that *actually* have more effect on their lives than whomever the POTUS is.  

"stare decisis" can be over has more than a few times...over the course of history and more frequently in the last 50-60 years......And in essence your comment about why it would be overturned is true......and in support of that... not my words, but from an article..."For most of its history the court changed its mind only when it thought past precedent was unworkable or no longer viable, perhaps eroded by its subsequent opinions or by changing social conditions." From my vantage point there is little changed, except we have learned more about the pain a fetus can endure....and how many weeks it takes to be possible to still live.....outside the womb....not saying that should change things....

Stare decisis can and is overturned from time to time, as it should be. One of my gripes with many so called conservatives, those that claim the constitution is a "fixed" document, as opposed to a living document...have they never heard of the...Amendments? I mean, that's what an "amendment" does. It amends, alters, changes, rewrites some aspect of the constitution. The last amendment, the 27th Amendment, was in 1992, a mere 30 years ago. So my point is, Alito et al are trying to use legal concepts that are so outdated, so ancient, so out of touch, they are laughable...or should be. 

And I personally do not believe this should be a political issue...or a decision made one way or another to overturn Roe vs Wade....I would guess that the majority of Americans have no idea what the Case ruling said or why. Our media is so poor...these days....instead of informing....creating opinion...
Of course the answer is birth control...but hey we are after all human.....but there have been far fewer abortions in the country today as opposed to 20 years ago or in the 1980's at the peak.

This is a point that I wish the media would make more often. 

I would posit this means little to the anti-abortion crowd for the most part. Their agenda is not really about facts, health, numbers or reality, but rather its about making noise. If we had actual true sex education, and access to contraceptives, the numbers would drop even more. But, people need to keep in mind that many religious fundamentalists are opposed to contraception at large, and froth at the mouth over their "sweet innocent precious little darling teenagers" (most of whom lost their virginity at age 13) being taught about penises and that's not going to happen unless it's a federal mandate. 

Sorry Ma'am to get on my soapbox....I think we are in the same bailiwick.....this is not an issue that can be settled politically or by my just as with the mask.....saying you don't have to wear a mask doesn't mean you cannot.....saying you can have an abortion doesn't mean you have to...Thanks for providing a forum for discussion...of all kinds😊...and for allowing me to post my thoughts....I have followed you now on and off for a few are quite a person..and Woman..very accomplished at many things.... impressed with your business acumen....and did you ever get interested in business and these products?

Soapbox all you want. I have this blog to market the creations I make, and more so with the hopes of having interesting conversation and it's a good place for me to vent my rancid invective laden snark, lol. As for how I started making the things I make, I've always made clothing, bikinis, jewelry and so on, well, I'll just paste below something I wrote previously...because I'm lazy. :) 

  Several years ago I spent some time researching Queening chairs and what I mostly found was very overpriced and cheaply built furniture, so I decided to design and build my own. I wanted something that would ensure structural integrity, style, comfort, and at a more reasonable cost. When I saw that many sold online were $500 and up, and I disliked the style and quality, I was sure I could make my own in my spare time and save hundreds of dollars. 

So, a couple of my super slutty girlfriends saw what I made, they wanted one, I said sure, bring the Vodka and the supplies and we'll make a day of it. This mostly ending up a drinking party, I labeled us the "Sauced up Slutty Seamtresses" and we had a great time. Then I posted a few photos online, some people asked me to make furniture for them, and it went from there. And I would sometimes post the odd story on some forum, a few people said I should put them in book form, next thing I knew, I was the "Inebriated Authoratrix", lol, writing dozens of real life smutty books.

It has been fun, for the most part, but after a time, it became more like "work" which was not what I intended. What I mean is the price of shipping has doubled/tripled, inflation, people wanting custom orders, I get frustrated when people confuse a $5 DIY download with a $350 piece of furniture, then unload on me and leave bad reviews...things like that. So, I've sort of drawn back as, well like I said, it was mostly started for fun, I never intended it to become a big business venture or anything. I've never had employees and don't want any. No desire for that hassle or spreadsheets, accountants, or any of the normal things that go along with trying to create or run an expanding business. If it ceases to be fun and not allow me to be creative with new designs and all that...I'll just close the shops.  :) 


  1. WC. I don’t think that people realize what this Supreme Court is going to do. Continue unrestricted dark money contributions. Green light gerrymandering. Undo all voting rights protections. Undo all environmental regulations. Ban gay marriage. Crunch unions. Allow Christian establishment of religion. Destroy affirmative action for all races and sex. Punish immigrants. Limit plaintiffs lawsuits. Bolster big business they agree with. Bolster republicans any way they can. Limit women and minority rights. Restrict class action lawsuits. To name a few. Abortion is just the beginning……. All you need to do is read the federalist society position papers. All six of the republican justices are members of and recommended by the federalist society. Think of college republicans. All punk nerds like tucker Carlson. What was wrong with Hillary again?

    1. They will only do...what the public allows them to get away with.

    2. WC. We can change the Congress but we can’t change the court. The only option is to increase the number of justices. Otherwise we are all out of luck for 30 years at least

    3. The thing about changing the numbers of justices on the court is...what if say 10 years from now there are 13 justices, and by a fluke, they all, or the majority, end up being conservative? Nothing was gained from that.

    4. WC. True. But it’s the only option. Otherwise we are truly fucked for 30 years….. McConnell knows it too. That’s why he is always winning about packing his precious court. He know that the only way he can loose. These 6 republican stooges are truly radical and not changing ever. They are not conservative in any sense of the word. They’re revolutionary’s ….

  2. WC. I am so sick of the “they both suck” argument. That’s just lazy thinking. Only the republicans suck. Democrats make mistakes but they don’t do it with malice. Big difference

  3. Thank you Ms. Chaland; or should I say Professor Chaland, for adding information and another perspective to my life’s education….I certainly bow to your superior knowledge and insight in to mores/values of our country coming from various ancient religions. You are well studied and well versed in the history of religion and the part it has played in our culture.
    I do not know which of the mores’ and values that you consider nonsense, but there are a few very important to me….not that I have always been able to live by them….the Golden Rule…right up there number one… unto others as you would have done to you. Care for the impoverished….a man of riches will have a hell of a time getting to heaven….(pun intended)…be charitable, kind, love one another…turn the other cheek…..just to name a few.

    I think the obsessive religious people you mention...anti gay, sex and all are a small minority of people...vocal for sure....I live in a very conservative area of the Midwest and there is virtually no evidence of this here...

    Gay couples are relatively open and safe here....we’ve come a long way.....minorities as well....still needs some work....but as As a man who enjoys wearing bra and panties and dresses frequently, not acceptable by most women or men in my town, I can associate a little with what gay folks have had to contend with....unable to live fully for who you are... nothing by comparison though...I know...

    On sure know more about the Bible than I... by far….I think there are far more verses encouraging love and accepting people that are different than scorning them...some people just pick and choose verses supporting a position.

    I am sorry that part of your furniture business has been a downer….goes with the territory….I like the ideas a lot….your products are easy to make, and creative, and very kind of sex toy…….again thanks for enriching me and helping me to see other facets to this issue…

  4. Your praise is far too effusive..."I no knothing". :)

    The Sermon on the Mount. One of the best pieces of...whatever one wants to call it, literature, philosophy, wisdom, advocating for charity, altruism, forgiveness, benevolence, patience...any person, of any religion, or an atheist, that practices those acts, is a fantastic human being. So to that end, I am a "Follower of Christ". Anything to do with bigotry, hatred, oppression, war, eye-for-an-eye, nope, count me out.

    And yes, I too believe that "conservatives" have mostly gotten a bad rap. Most don't think the way that the radicals do. Most are decent people. My issue is the loudest nutcases get all the headlines, and the sane ones are...silent. They should speak out against the lunatics, and state those ugly comments do *not* represent their religion or political ideology.

    As far as attire and wardrobe, people should wear whatever the hell they want. Crossdressing? Any woman wearing pants is...crossdressing. Jesus wore a dress. Or a robe. It's just clothes. :)

  5. Ms. Chaland:

    I can’t speak for others, but I believe you have accomplished your goals with the blog with me.....wonderful, interesting discussion....and I did buy one of your books....oh what naughty thoughts you harbor Ma’am......and looking at the there one that you favor?

  6. Thank you for the compliment. Regading furniture, yes, I am partial to the "Sardax", the 4 Poster wood one, and one of the "dual access" ones that allow "service" from either front or back. Beyond that, all of my designs I like, which is why I designed them, and no two are identical, similar yes, but not identical. So, there are 1000s of Queening chairs out there in the world designed or built by me, and every single person that owns one, has a unique one, no mass produced furniture from my shop, ever. Not sure why, but that makes me happy in a small sort of way. :)
