Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Whore History - A Whore's Perspective. :)


Kaytlin Bailey presents "U.S. History from a Whore's Eye View". I found this podcast to be very informative and entertaining. Kaytlin is a former sex worker, now a comedian and writer, advocate and podcaster, funny, and very bright, and they're drinking a lot. So, it's drunk sluts, talking about historical drunk sluts, viewed by, drunk sluts.  :) 


You know how some actors you like, because of their performances, and then you're so disappointed when they speak out on something, and sound so moronically stupid? Sean Penn had some roles that I really, really liked, the Harvey Milk movie for one example. And then he says...this? 


The CARES Act (Covid bailout money for businesses) does not apply to Strip Clubs or any "Adult Business" but yet churches were handed out more than $521 billion dollars in PPP loans. So, strip clubs and adult businesses pay taxes, but are not allowed access to this money, yet churches that pay no taxes...can. Taxation without Representation? Equality under the law? And yet our "Christian Taliban" are endlessly whining about how they are "targeted" and treated unfairly. Fucking wankers...  :)

Someone, please, make it...make sense.  :) 

Notice a trend? Every few days, I post links, numerous links, to articles about our political "right" burning books. They brag about having bonfires, burning books. Who does that? Fascists, dictators, people from the Dark Ages, that's who. 

Annnd, directly related to the four previous memes/articles... :) 



Fetishes....some people act on them, then regret it, overreact over those desires and are filled with self loathing. Many people have moments of revulsion due to carnal urges. As we all know, it has to do with specifics like social conditioning and religious guilt, more than anything biological or inherently "wrong". Most people either work through it, or spend their lives denying themselves of something pleasurable, and something they are geared towards. For what it's worth increasingly people do not see what a man does sexually as being a reflection of him as a whole person, or his masculinity, or whether or not he's a good human being. Done correctly fetishes, kinky stuff, BDSM, cuckoldry, whatever it is, enhances relationships, adding some flavor, adds some spark and intensity to life. It is a plus, not a minus. Sure, there are still all sorts of backwards thinking morons around, but thankfully, there are less and less of them. So if people have urges, whatever they are and however kinky they may be, as long as they are consensual, they should consider giving themselves a break, and not beat themselves up over something that is, in actuality, totally harmless. :)


  1. Maybe Penn thinks the military draft is still going?

  2. How did you get so wise at such a young age?

  3. How did you get so wise at such a young age?

  4. I love that one by Middle Age Riot. Sadly so true. I have "family and friends" whom I have lost a lot (or all) respect for. Once that is broken how can it be repaired?
    Thank you for the article on fetishes. Sometimes I wish that I could change the way that I am and what brings me happiness. Thanks for reinforcing that I'm okay.
    My wife and daughters (and most women) are free to wear jeans and pants. I wish that I could be as free to wear a skirt. Well maybe not in February.

    1. I would just suggest you just, be who you are. Stand your ground on whatever, be it family and friends, fetishes or catching an upskirt breeze...weather be damned. :)
