Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sissy vs Crossdresser?

sis·sy /ˈsisē/-  noun; a person regarded as effeminate or cowardly. 

 crossdresser [kraws-dres-er, kros‐] noun; a nontransgender person who dresses in clothing typically worn by members of a different sex.

So, opinions of the above definitions and descriptions? Agree? Disagree? Accuate? Bogus?

From my perspective, its sort of a moot point as...I think people (male, female, trans, fluid, nongender specific, pansexual, straight, bisexual, trisexual, asexual, whatever) should wear whatever the hell they want...or wear nothing at all. Its just wrapping. Its just decorative wrapping. I mean, beyond the obvious, as in the need for clothing to protect one from the elements. And, okay, yeah sure, I think a bit of covering is appropriate and should be required out in public. I mean, I don't want to see *anyones* genitals when I'm out at a restaurant or grocery shopping. I don't care how buff/built he/she/they are, or how much I might find them attractive overall...time and place people.  :) 

It still amuses and baffles me how some people are obsessively appalled by a "dude in a skirt", but have no objection to a "chick in pants". I mean, its not that long ago when it was illegal for women to wear pants in some quarters, as it still is in many cultures and countries today. I've ranted about this moronic stupidass double standard before because...well lets face it, ranting is what I sometimes do. And might I point out, sometimes I rant wearing a dress, sometimes wearing bloomers and sometimes guessed it, no pants. :) 

Okay, so this is not funny.
But, its...sort of funny.  :) 


  1. It is a double standard and you are right to rant about it, pants or no. I've pondered the difference between crossdresser and sissy and find there isn't one. They are labels and I jump between them. It's just play (like you, I wear pants, skirts, dresses, or nothing in my home).

    1. It makes no sense to me, but then much of what people focus on or are upset over these days does. :)
