Sunday, September 26, 2021

Not Everything is Racist. Plus...Spleen Venting! :)



Example, some people think Barry Goldwater was a racist.

Barry Goldwater felt (I 100% disagree) that segregation, integration etc, should have been a states rights issue, and not dictated by the Fed. At the same time, regarding diners, cafes etc, he stated multiple times that he thought business owners were fools for not accepting everyone as they're running a business and the patronage and money of anyone and everyone, was all the same. So, from a legislative, state versus Fed standpoint, I think he was totally wrong, as civil rights should be (and ended up being) under the purview on the national level, with the Constitution to back it up, and fuck the racist states (and fuck the racist states currently trying to undo some of those rights). So my opinion, was not that it was a racist stance, but rather an incorrect viewpoint/interpretation of the division of power as per states versus Feds.

King said of Goldwater’s voting record, “While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racists” (16 July 1964) ~ Martin Luther King

Another difference between Goldwater's version of Republicans versus now:

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” ~ Barry Goldwater

Goldwater grew up rich. So yes, he was clueless in many ways, a bit of an elitist, didn't understand the plight of those not born into wealth, favor and privilege, but he also spent most of his life, especially as he grew older, on his own dime, in his own plane (he was a pilot for small planes) flying all over Arizona and other connected states, to the Pueblos where he'd just land out in the desert and pass out food, medicine, blankets, money, whatever they needed.

As many well know, the GOP of that era was more of a mixed bag of one part Libertarian, one part modern day Dem, and the GOP of that era truly were small government, wanted privacy etc. As another example of how things have changed, Hillary Clinton was a high-school Young Republican and "Goldwater Girl" in 1964 but swung to supporting Democrats later, and then becoming one. 

Different time, different agenda, different world. I think Goldwater was an arrogant ass in many ways, but not a racist...just my opinion. I have never felt that Goldwater was a racist. I think he was foolish in some of his opinions, you know, regarding states rights versus integration etc...but that makes him a clueless moron, not a bigot. 

News and Information.

Most of the "visual" news formats are biased, at least somewhat. From my perspective, what I wish, which will never happen, news should be delivered in a robotic (but pleasant) voice. What I mean is, inflection, a gleam in the eye, a slight nod of the head (up or down, left or right) that indicates disagreement, or agreement, or happiness, joy, endorsement, or whatever, body language, pitch, tone, all those details can and do imply...something. And I'd prefer if the news channels were totally independent from opinion or talking head pundits. The "flavor" of CNN, where it creates a vibe or the atmosphere of being partisan, is due to Cuomo, Maddow, Don Lemon, (or whoever works for whatever station, I don't watch them, so am not sure) the same but from the opposite side as Hannity and whatever douchebarges work for Fox. Know what I mean? Perhaps actual human looking robots, just straight delivery, no bias possible, remote, detached, just voicing whatever events took place, with zero ability to show any emotion that...well that implies what I mentioned above. But, I mostly just read and almost never "view" so its not a big thing for me. Just for the heck of it, check out DW News, CNA news, maybe sometimes France News Live, Al Jazeera, just to get other views of global issues. And I should add, I do "watch" many things, but for that, its documentaries, PBS Frontline type stuff (just occurred to me, that's the "voice" I'd prefer, the deep voiced Frontline guy), programs like that while I sit on my...stationary tricycle and pedal away. :)

I heard this tired old line again recently. US President Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”

 Republicans love to use that for an applause line...but when there's a hurricaine, tornado, flood, drought, pandemic, recession, terrorist attack, or they want a school, a road, a dam, a stadium, they line up with their hands out faster than anyone. And Reagan did it as well. :)
Down South Border Issues.

According to some from the lunatic right, Biden is stoking racial tensions. That's what some people call it when minorities want...equal rights, and other people, including me, stand by them. Nothing new there. The same trope has been used since the Civil War. Border issues are nothing new, people have immigrated from place to place since the dawn of time. When people say "Republicans are better on border control." what they mean is...better at exploiting cheap labor, then sending people back whenever they're done using and abusing them.

What happened to: 
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."
~Emma Lazarus sonnet which is on the pedestal of The Statue of Liberty.

What happened to: 
“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” ~Matthew 25: 31-40 

The Deep Opposed to "Deep Throat".  :)

When someone says "deep state" I tune out. There is no "deep state". Its a conspiracy theory, made up by lunatics. Our government is made up of a random sampling of human beings, from across all demographics. They can't coalesce and decide what they want collectively for lunch, so there is no way in hell there's an oganized shadow group running the USA.

An interesting thing to me, is when I ask someone how Biden is damaging America on a large scale, as the far right asserts, they never have a rational answer. Look, its no secret, I did not vote for Biden, never voted for any Clinton, yes, I did vote for Obama both terms, so I have no hardcore loyalty to the Dems, and especially not the DNC.

At the same time...the GOP has been wrong about every single thing for at least 20 years. Wrong on Iraq and Afghanistan, wrong on Climate Change, wrong on Covid-19, masks, and vaccinations, wrong on "trickle down" economics, wrong on their stance that gays in the military would break down cohesion, wrong on women out of the kitchen, wrong on gay marriage, wrong on taxes, wrong on gay adoption, wrong on the so called "Patriot Act", wrong on constitutional law, wrong on eavesdropping without warrants, wrong on pollution, wrong on not raising minumum wage, wrong on...everything. I can not think of one single thing, the GOP has done in this century that has been right or good for America, or the world or humanity at large. They just sell fear and lies. This is not an opinion, its fact, provable, incontrovertible fact.

I get some Republicans might not affiliate with the currrent GOP, neither does Bob Dole, David Brooks, Bill Kristol, George Will, Romney, the Bush Family, the Reagan family, and an innumerable list of old school stalwart what does that say about the modern day version of the GOP? Either way, 74 million did vote for Trump, the vast majority of them still won't state they fucked up, bought a lemon, got snookered, which speaks to a level of emotional immaturity that is pathetic...and the USA and the rest of the world is being drug down in the meantime. Unless someone thinks 74 million Trumpians are right and the rest of the world, which mostly detests Trump and the current GOP is wrong, meaning less than 1% of the worlds population (Trumpians) are correct, and the other 99% (Anti-GOP, Anti-Trump) are wrong...and I'd love for someone to point out how that could be the case. More so when the 99% is based on science, facts, statistics, history, common sense, ratiocination, evidence, math, biology, DNA testing, radiographic testing and the views of the worlds most brilliant people, and the 1% is based on...Trump and Fox News. Obviously only part of the GOP is bat guano insane. However, my disgust is with the other...whatever it is, 75%, 95%, that refuse to speak out against the lunatics. Allowing the blatant lies of Trump, Fox News, NewsMax etc to continue, unchecked, is a level of cowardice that I never expected.

USA Doctors Obsession with Pushing "Shrink" Drugs. 

Americans are nuts. Fucking bonkers, crazyass nuts. We get that. But what seems to be unknown to most people, including/especially the medical establishment is (one example): 
In rare cases, a commonly prescribed drug known as Buspar: anger can be a side effect of buspirone oral tablets. This was not a common side effect in studies, but some people taking the drug did develop anger or even hostility while using buspirone. 

The same info from the Mayo Clinic. 
Bupropion may cause some people to be agitated, irritable, or display other abnormal behaviors. It may also cause some people to have suicidal thoughts and tendencies, or to become more depressed. Make sure the doctor knows if you have trouble sleeping, get upset easily, have a big increase in energy, or start to act reckless. Also tell your doctor if you have sudden or strong feelings, such as feeling nervous, angry, restless, violent, or scared.

Just one example, but I know people that took Seroquel, and said they almost immediately, as in within a day or so, felt extremely hostile and angry. Plus, Seroquel was one of the main drugs that was given to Iraq War Vets, and was tied to a very high suicide rate of them. Big Pharma has been downplaying this for decades. They were playing semantic games, using terms like "agitated" or "irritable" when in reality, its more like...roid rage, which ties in with my point about...road rage, shootings, killings, people with vicious tempers, no patience, unbelievable stress in our society, guns, more guns, big ass 4x4 trucks that can run over anyone, and over other cars, me/me/me mentality, out of my fucking see my point? Some of the drugs that are being prscribed to "soften" society...are making it fucking worse. 

On top of that, some studies indicate that Americans take the majority of "shrink meds" compared to the rest of the world, as in up to 60% of all that are manufactured, and they are prescribed by regular doctors, NP's, PA's, therapists, most of whom have little training with these meds, there are no blood tests to prove half, or even a quarter of the people taking them actually need them (misdiagnosis is a massive problem in the USA, by the CDC's own admission), so its a clusterfuck...which is only now becoming apparent. So when someone wonders why Americans are so fucking obnoxious, pissy, violent...these meds are contributing to the problem, for some people, but obviously not all.

So many problems and issues we have in the USA are of our own making. Its just stupid. Anyway, my spleen...feels all better now!  :) 


  1. WC here

    Just become a Democrat for 8 years till we get our country back

    And remove these morons from power

    Amen sister!

  2. Weird that the country with the most aggressively for-profit health system would also have problems with misdiagnosis!

    1. It is a huge problem. A massive one.

    2. WC here

      You AZ libertarians and crazy Brits

      Need to get your heads out or your arses:)

      See I can speak Brit too:)

    3. If I ever come across any "AZ libertarians" I'll be sure to let them know you disapprove.

  3. I would start by getting rid of Sinama in AZ

    And Boris in the UK:)

    WC LOL
