Monday, August 9, 2021

A Melange of Assorted...Nothingness. :)

I don't get the OnlyFans thing. What am I missing? I mean, its just porn right? What is the sudden attraction, when there's porn everywhere, for free? How and why did his site come from nowhere, and develop into some massive site where 100s of millions of dollars are being spent and made? If anyone uses it, some insight about what makes if different would be appreciated. Or is it a cam site? Live cam? Phone sex? Virtual reality? Remote controlled the viewer a...happy finish?  :)


Very well put Johnny. It *does* seem increasingly that organized religion is used as an "excuse" to spew hate, bigotry, stupidity, ignorance, vitriol, lies and fiction presented as fact. I thought it was supposed to be in action, humanity, faith, grace, forgiveness, acceptance, altruism, charity, benevolence, helping fellow man, turning the other cheek, salvation, an know, things that Jesus preached about.  :) 


This level of talent, just leaves me stunned. 
Almost emotional...


Some people freak out when someone says "free". No one means free. They mean, funded by tax dollars. Just like our public schools are, libraries, beaches, forest land, police, fire department, wars, most roads, Military, some Universities, NASA and on and on. 

I don't know what other people think, but I love black and white photography. Its got that..."grittiness" and sort of an enigmatic aspect to it, where you are enticingly drawn in. 


An important lesson from the "future". 

Kim Kardashian...getting in on the BDSM look. Is this, some of that silly "cultural appropriation" we keep hearing about? I think the cultural appropriation accusation is stupid. I mean, if someone from a different demographic likes the food, dance, fashion, music, attire, jewelry, hairstyles or whatever of "your people", your ancestors, its an enormous compliment. Take the compliment and be pleased with it. Imagine the other way around. If no one wants to emulate your culture, that would signify...your culture sucks...and no one wants to hear that.  :)

Overnight Japan. 


This looks "safe".  
I particularly like the propane tank next to the sharp bike wheel spokes on the back.

Good! Fuck 'em! Double and triple fuck 'em. Fuckitty, fucking, fuckall, fuck 'em!  :) 


When a handful of hair...comes in handy.   :)

Mount Fuji. 


  1. As far as I can tell, subscribing to OnlyFans is like giving a massive tip to the one stripper who tells you all about how she's studying to become a nurse... You're paying extra for the illusion of intimacy. I haven't looked into it much, but my favourite are porn actresses who will rate your dick for a couple of hundred dollars... You're getting a paid opinion from a woman who is around primo cock all day, and who acts turned on for a living, how could you possibly take her seriously?

    Love the idea of a woman somehow never having fired a gun, travelling to Tokyo, wandering into the Olympic stadium, picking up a gun and trying to copy what she'd seen in the movies and immediately fucking up her wrist, live on television across the world. Maybe it's just a pole vaulter settling a grudge?

    The advice from the future reminds me of a few years ago, I was sat in a car in the car park of a gardening centre with my dad and brother (I've led a pretty crazy life!) and a girl of about six came into view wearing a High School Musical 3 t-shirt. My brother, 18 at the time, voice dripping with vitriol, spits out "I fucking hate High School Musical," like whoever made the film had personally wronged him. Chill out, bro, it was never meant for you!

  2. Gotta say...the snark and sarcasm is just dripping off, no, make that pouring off, every word of your reply...and I fucking love it! And I mean that, it was nice to read right after just waking up. :)

    1. See, I'd rather get a compliment on my funny for free, from someone who is clearly funny and honest and well read, rather than pay for a compliment on my cock... Assuming it would even get a good rating. But they say the English would rather have a beautiful lady tell them they're funny than good in bed.

      Also, generally agree with your thoughts on cultural appropriation, though that's easy to say as a straight white cis male. I think the problems start when you start claiming ownership of a look or profiting from another community - if Kim K starts selling queening chairs and spanking skirts I'll happily call bullshit for you!

      I guess the closest I have is when we're supposed to think celebrities are ugly or fat. Like, if Simon Pegg is fat enough to star in Run, Fatboy, Run, then I must go beyond morbidly obese - hauntingly obese? Ghoulishly obese? Stop taking jobs from real fatties and uggos, Hollywood!

    2. I take your point on profiting from cultural appropriation, but as the earliest evidence of written mathematics dates back from 3000 BC and the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia...everyone else better start writing them checks.

      Oh, and pants were adapted from the Scythians by the Persians by the 5th century BC. So all "panted" people of non-Persian persuasion...better start paying them for appropriating that fashion invention.

      I think you see where I'm going with this. Humans have been doing this since the dawn of time. I don't want to hear about some politically correct wanker tears over dreadlocks, or a Loincloth, or a Taco or whatever. :)

    3. Oh, so it's the Persians to blame? But agreed, generally I think more sharing and less boundaries is good. I only ever voted once, and that was against Brexit (boy, was I pissed the next day!), because I'd rather travel and try new things than stay put eating liver and onions watching Dad's Army repeats over and over. Turns out I'm ever so slightly in the minority here!

      That said, don't be a dick and pretend to be something you're not, like that Rachel Dolzeal, who did a great job proving race is largely a construct, but should have stopped there rather than. Insisting she was black.

    4. Of course its the Persians fault! I am an anti-Persianonian. Anti-Persianite? Anti-Persiananstanian? :)

      Yea, that whole Brexit thing...what a mess. Anytime you get a bunch of right-winger lunatics, like Farage, Boris, etc., masking their ultra-nationalism under the guise of economic gain, one should be suspect. But humanity being foolish, half or at least some, will always follow the carnival barker...ergo Trump etc.

      I forgot about "Rach". What a nutcase. Sad really, I mean plus or minus some melanin, we are all the same. I don't know why some people can't grasp that. We all came from the same body of water, we all came from the same space dust...they should grow the hell up. :)

  3. WC here

    In my humble opinion

    For the next 4 years all that matters is electing Democrats

    We won’t have a democracy to argue about if we don’t

    Fence walkers might slip and smash their nuts:)

    1. WC here

      And a cup!

    2. Don't they always go together? I thought it was a package with the other.

    3. No

      Only baseball catchers wear a cup as far as I know

      Jock straps just pull the whole package up tight and out of harms way:)

    4. Saucers come with cups, except the flying kind!

      Hope that helps!


    5. Oh, it "helps". I mean, having you, a fount of knowledge, off topic, yes, useless knowledge sure, checking in, is "invaluable" and really helps keep things running smoothly. :)
