Monday, April 26, 2021

Manic Monday Morning Mundane Musings...


There is this erroneous notion amongst some people that only "Alpha" males can be dominant and only "Beta" males can be submissive. But beta does not equal submissive within the sexual realm just as neither does Alpha equal dominant in the same (That is one fucked up sentence...but I'm not fixing it, lol).  

Ones sexual orientation, their preferences, what yanks their crank, what turns them on is neither depicted nor influenced by their life, personality, mannerisms, occupation, education, social status, wealth or poverty etc...when they are outside the "bedroom" to speak. Think of it like this, there is a perception, myth, that only powerful rich businessmen go see ProDoms. You know the one, this long held and oft told story that the hugely successful and powerful 9-to-5 CEO type guy wants to relinquish control, flip the power dynamic and submit to a Domme, and all that. Nonsense. There are just as many guys that fit that stereotype that are sexually dominant in their private lives as well. And what about all the successful female CEO's that are of the kinky persuasion, dominant and/or submissive, or switch? 

Beyond that, the stereotype of a gay guy being effeminate, ergo a wimp, submissive, or a dyke lesbian being "butch" therefore she must be dominant, again myths, lies and falsehoods. Some people are one way, introvert, extrovert, dominant, submissive, other people are switches, or blended, and all those characteristics are subjective anyway. There are a myriad of things that make us "kinky", nature, nurture, who knows for sure, and what drives someone in that part of their life, that orientation, is not broken down into something so simplistic as "Alpha/Beta" as some would posit. Or not. I mean...what the hell do I know...I'm just babbling over here.  :) 

From a Reddit group called: "ShowerThoughts"...
You can get arrested for peeing in front of other people, and then in jail you will be forced to pee, in front of other people. 

On a forum I frequent a fellow FemDom was bemoaning how so many guys (mostly younger guys from what I gather), via social media and chat rooms, are looking for a Domme talk a good talk, then fail to follow through or to show up. Could be many reason for this. For one, we now live in a culture where people are worried (rightly so) about Covid-19, plus the economic impact of that, which has been detrimental to so many peoples finances, which in the case of young guys, being broke, some living with their parents, they view as a source of embarrassment (which they should *not*). Factor in a decade or so of Femdom memes, anime, cartoons, porn, video games and so on, and we have a whole generation of people (male and female) that have unrealistic expectations and a tenuous grasp on reality. That is not meant to disparage anyone, its just a fact.  

Add it all together and we got a gabillion young guys that talk a good game, but are scared to follow though with meeting, with commitment, with doing much other than...recessing back into their dungeon/bedrooms for more fantasy, more fiction, more dreaming, more angst, and less action. Its unfortunate, but the modern world has numerous examples of this. For several years now I've been seeing articles about the same sort of thing happening in Japan (and other countries), where a high percent of a certain demographic has just...checked out. They're fine with cartoon porn, masturbation, no desire for a real life girlfriend, no desire to get married, its having an effect on their version of social security, falling birth rates, and all kinds of other social implications and effects.  

The above makes me glad I'm not single, alone and horny, because it sounds a bit tough out there. What is bizarre, is the sheer numbers of ads I see from submissive guys, and increasing numbers of ads from dominant women, but it seems that few "matches" are made. Okay, "dominant" women are not running around town, scowling, with a whip in one hand, leather clad, vying for a sub. However, dominant women, or potentially sexually dominant women, are everywhere that anyone else goes. At the store, the gym, the park, church, work, the laundromat, the bar, out hiking, jogging...everywhere. My point is, open minded women, sexually demanding women, so called dominant women, or potentially so, are just women that would be curious about or inclined to living a unique lifestyle, or for some play a role, that bespeaks a paradigm shift from societal sexual norms.  

I've used the term "I became sexually dominant...for tongue!" many times. Graphic and blunt? Sure. To the point? Sure. Because it amuses the hell out of me? Damn straight. But beyond the salacious effect of it, the larger point is I was tired of dating men that were sexually selfish. So are most women. We get tired of guys that won't "go downtown", or that want to mansplain everything, or that are rude, lazy, boring, intellectually incurious, emotionally distant and so on. When it comes to that, if that's our only option, most of us just buy a dildo, use it, get a cup of tea and read a book. I mean, right now, next door to you, right down the street, around the corner there are single, bored, lonely and horny women, who'd love to have someone in their life, would love sex, kinky sex, some attention, some affection, some companionship. And right now, 10 billion dildos are flying over your head, in airplanes, being shipped from some sex shop warehouse to their homes. So, if guys would get to know the "woman" first, and then explore domination aspects secondly, well...most of those guys (and women) would not be single. If a guy looks for a premade, made to order, fantasy driven "FemDom" first and primarily, he's going to mostly get replies from ProDommes, bots, FinDoms and pretty much no one else, if that makes sense, and it probably does *not* because again...I'm just rambling over here...sans pants. 


  1. I’ve been happily monogamous for 41 years, so it’s been awhile since I’ve shared my sexuality with someone else and vice versa. But I do believe that if you start with honesty and trust, two people can explore together. In some cases, one party will be unwilling to do something very important to another party and a relationship simply won’t work.

    Irene and I have grown together in many ways. Our still very passionate sex life includes things but not everything that I asked for in the beginning as well as things she’s wanted to try. There are things we’ve done once and things we’ve done hundreds of times. There are things neither of us would have ever thought about that we enjoy together on a regular basis.

    I know if I had a new girlfriend whom I liked and she asked me to try something, I probably would. I would hope for the same attitude from her.

    It’s easy to write this anonymously in a blog comment at 65 years old, of course, and more challenging when you’re 20 and have never even talked to anybody about your kinks.


    1. That was an interesting "bio" Rosco...I enjoyed it. I post and post and post, and some people reply, usually in brief, but I rarely know much about some of the respondents, their lives, details and so on, so its nice to read. And its encouraging and heart warming to know that others have had such a long and mostly happy relationship. :)

  2. Wow, that is some deep thinking, and honestly I did think most women would rather complain about guys, then to want to be with one. I would say that you are the rare dominant type of a woman that truly knows what she wants and goes for it. Do you know how rare that is? Yet it was a fascinating read today and a great way to start this week out. thanks Vanessa

    1. So glad you enjoyed my disjointed and far reaching "thoughts" they were. :)
