Sunday, April 11, 2021

Guitarists - Musicians - Strings...

Okay yea...I'm always months or years behind in pop culture, fashion, trends and whatever, cuz you know, I don't really give a flying flock about being "in" with the latest. So most of you might have already seen these or know of the instruments, but they are new to me, I found them interesting, so just passing them along. Its just amazing how big the world is, how many obscure and unknown instruments there are, and how many creative and talented people live amongst us.  :)





  1. yes, the covid did shut down too many musical and theatrical events. there are so many talented people out there for sure. being in the new mode is not necessary the way I feel. but to see and appreciate it is cool. life goes by fast and Vanessa, your cutting edge if there ever was such a thing . Your cool ,, Bella

    1. Thank you for the comment and I'm glad you enjoy my posts. :)
