Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The #MAGA Report. :)

How the day started. How the day ended. Thankfully we have all those "Christian Patriots" in the GOP to spread the Jesus message of love while proving their "love" of democracy while saluting the flag...


U.S. Capital. #MAGA. Gawd Bless 'Murica. Thoughts & Prayers. Thots & Preyers. #Winning.

Aged like milk....

Nothing to see here. Just a bunch of cowardly, seditionist, traitorous, insurrecting unpatriotic bastards, who stormed and invaded the US Capital, based on lies told by the worst president in the history of the USA. Fuck Donald Trump. Fuck anyone that supports him. Everyone else...have a lovely day.  :)




So now, today, Twitter finally, finally, decided to remove some of Trumps seditionist and violence encouraging tweets. Not 4 years ago. Not when he lied about Obama being born in Kenya like...8 years ago? Twitter sucks, so does Facebook, Instagram whom will do and allow anything...for profit.

Because the world needs to see what a 15-minute old lamb looks like.  :)


  1. Maybe those looters and rioters could be press-ganged to help build the Donald Trump Presidential Playpen to house all his big books in after he has either been removed or impeached. What an utter twat he is.


  2. when people feel oppressed they lash out in violence, its their only way to communicate.

    1. White males with decent jobs in America are...oppressed?

  3. I'm afraid, as you are. We're BOTH not wrong, but I'm SO glad you ended on what REALLY matters; that 15 minute old lamb:) Quit giving Utter Twat space in your precious noggin. The twat doesn't deserve it. He will slide where he should; into utter oblivion. You KNOW beauty when you see it. You married it. Give yourself a break. You've EARNED it:). (I have a brain injury and can't figure out how to change my name here, otherwise I wouldn't be 'anonymous', but even 'I' know I probably shouldn't post my email address here; sorry. I just can't figure out how to change my name here. But I LOVE following you; you're the epitome of 'strength', but you're also SO vulnerable. You're like a LOT of us. Yeah; I have a brain injury, but I don't believe Utter Twat can have one. He doesn't have the required prerequisite:).

    And with THAT...EXIT; STAGE RIGHT:)
