Sunday, October 11, 2020

Political Post Withdrawals - Plus Purple Eggplant Plushie Project Pitfalls. :)

Due to my recent reduction/stoppage in political posts, I had to pick up another hobby. Guess everyone is getting Eggplant plushies for Christmas. And yes...I know what the Eggplant emoji means. Why the hell do you think I'm doing them.  :)


Evangelical Version of the US Constitution being Presented to the People. 


Hey, I said "reduction". I'm still having a few...withdrawals.  :) 

Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon, Iceland.
I gotta say..."Fjaðrárgljúfur" just sounds...perverted.  :)


Eddie Van Halen and his mother in 1967ish. 


Beats the heck out of "Wash Me" written into the road grime. 


A sunrise time-lapse photo taken of L.A.


A stray kitten strolled up and took a nap on this guys lap. 
He said it was the best moment in this whole miserable year.


An 800 year old Bonsai tree.

I don't understand any of this. Is that supposed to be Bill Clinton? 
The verbiage makes no sense to me. Confused...

An *actual* Sand Castle. 

This flower is called Queen of the Night.
 It blossoms only at night, and only one night a year.


  1. The whole "who is against the queen will die" and "mommy says bad words" are pop culture references to an Amazon video series and some Instagram account. I don't watch this crap or have an Instagram account so I'm as in the dark as you are.

    1. Thanks for the clarification. And as I also do not have Facebook, have no Instagram, and don't really watch TV or being out of the loop is apparent...and its just fine with me. :)

  2. Another stonkingly enjoyable post Vanessa. i have to say, that purple aubergine is quite a sight!


  3. Nice jugs. :>

  4. I love the "women for trump".
    How can any woman, or decent man who cares about any woman, be for trump?

    1. something I will never be able to understand. :)
