Saturday, March 21, 2020

Porn Watching Increases As Millions Self-Quarantine.

This is a good thing. This is a very stressful time. We all know of The Health Benefits of Sex. So whether people are knocking boots, getting their freak on, masturbating, slapping off, tossing off, whatever, wherever, with whomever (as long as its safe) its a beneficial thing for our health and society, ergo a praiseworthy occupation of time and effort.  :)  



Oh sure...people *used* to make fun of "perverts" with the tight full body covering and face masks...not so much anymore right?  :)


There was an Attempt to Understand...our tax code. 


This off-grid cabin has an energy wheel to help charge the solar-powered battery. Getting a little cardio exercise in, while recharging the batteries that power the home. What a concept.  :)


Right now, we are all Dr. Anthony Fauci. 


Cops with empathy and compassion. 
Pity USA cops can't learn this. 


And if all this eating keeps up, I'll be ready to start my new wrestling career because...
I'll be looking like the fat guy.   :)



Peaceful Puppy enjoying the wind, scenery and serenity.       


  1. WC here Vanessa. Thanks for the post. Just what we all need!

  2. Thanks for posting these. I would never have been able to find them any other way:). We should all be like that puppy on the porch at the end of this posting while we self-isolate. There might be bad things going on, but we need to take the (unique) opportunity that these times have offered us to appreciate the things we DO have:).

  3. What a great idea for a safe trip to the supermarket, love it. Hope this finds you well and thanks for the continued smiles during troubled times.

