Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coronavirus' death rate found to be lower than World Health Organization estimates:

 Very early into this, but a bit of hopeful news.  

The average death rate among patients under 30 was 0.3%, rising to 0.5% for those between 30 and 59, and 2.6% for people aged 60 or above.  
Overall, they calculated the fatality rate to be 1.4%.


  1. Being 62, I can find no joy in this news. If only COVID 19 was included in my flu shot.

    1. By this fall, it may well be. Try to stay optimistic, take care of yourself, follow the isolation, hand washing and avoiding face touching advice. Things *could* improve quickly...I hope. :)

  2. My wife wants to go back to work in her office,,,,she's going absolutely stir crazy being at home....this hasn't been such an adjustment for me as I do my work at home....
    We're both outside the danger zone although I have asthma...but I'm confident that my immune system is ready to take on almost anything!!!!
    I hope you're well and safe....and....oh yes....even in this...this plague time....I would gladly and proudly kiss your beautiful bottom!!!!

    1. As a long time self isolated no longer affects me. But, I do understand how those that are not used to it can be bothered by it. In the meantime, I'm just trying to remain optimistic that solutions, better/new medications, and a slowing of the spread of it will occur. Speaking of "spread" my ass is :)
