Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Coronavirus & Two Trillion Dollars...


Congress appears to have struck a deal for about 2 Trillion dollars for coronavirsus related bailouts. They're heaping praise and accolades on themselves for this "monumental" moment of bipartisanship. I'm not commenting on whether or not they should have passed this, my point is they are worthy of *no* praise as this is just another example of them doing that OPM thing. As in spending Other Peoples Money...because this is *your* tax dollars. They, both parties, as usual, are largely useless...and want reelection and gratitude for having done...their jobs, and the bare minimum at that. 

I agree with most of what is said below...with the exception of the "worship" at the end. I'll never understand why people worship politicians. Or sports athletes, or rock stars, movies stars, actors, or anyone else for that matter. They are just people. We are all just people. 



Proud to be an “American” company...on tax payer bailout day.

A nice little serene cabin in the mountains. 


And the aforementioned cabin could go well with... :)


  1. There is an old video on youtube, called Scrooge McDuck and Money, and it gives a comparison of what a Billion Dollars can do as far how long or how tall it can be stacked. Pretty interesting.

    1. I've not seen that, but here is a link with similar info:
      (Google blog replies won't allow hyperlinks so its copy/past only.)

  2. I vote for cabin in the mountains preferably without Burt but if you have to bring him it will be all right.
