Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Case For Impeaching Trump...In a Concise and Succinct 1 Minute Video. :)

I've long maintained that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff etc, are *not* the right people to present the facts and evidence to the public on the issue of Trumps perfidiousness, incompetence and ineptness. Hey look, I'm not a good public speaker and neither are they. We need someone that can get to the fucking point, lay it out, tell it like it is, without dancing around, without obfuscation, without clouding the issue, without equivocating, no awkward pauses, without bloviating or using excessive verbiage (as I've just done, lol).'s the guy.  :) 


In 2015 Painter was diagnosed with shingles and Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 2, which left his face partially paralyzed.  

Political party: Republican (before 2018) Democratic (2018–present). 

Some people, many people, that *were* Republicans (and some that still are, allegiance to the party and the USA does *not* have to mean allegiance to CadetBoneSpurs), or Independents (like myself) that love America, love the rule of law, love ethics, honesty, tact, grace, style, class, honor...refuse to tolerate Trump and his cabal of shady nefarious idiots. One can only hope that admirable and patriotic group increases in size...and volume. :) 


  1. Agreed. Painter knows his shit. A missed opportunity.

    sissy terri

  2. Indeed. We've spent nearly 4 years listening to the details of crooked Trump and his band of dumbasses, so we become numb to it...until its laid out like that where it reminds you of just how much of a pile of garbage he really is... :)
