Thursday, December 12, 2019

'Menstruation huts' still widespread in Nepal, despite them being outlawed.

Some people might see an article like this and want to rail against "men". It is, after all, primarily  men that started and continue this disgusting practice. While one can see the point in that, my question would be...where are the women? Where are the feminists? Where are all the pro-equality, "You go sister!", I got your back, we all stick together feminists? Hello? Anybody there? 

I've been a longtime critic of the feminist movement as, it is not actually about *equality* for all, its about preferential treatment, favoritism and/or elevation, of a few. And by *few* I mean, a small subsection of primarily white, college educated, privileged and affluent women from a few western countries.  

I've mentioned before I consider myself a proponent of egalitarianism as opposed to feminism, and this is a good example of why. For the most part the feminist agenda has become about 3 things, a few women breaking the so called "glass ceiling" (Hillary for POTUS, for example), abortion and maternity leave. Beyond that, its pretty much the hell with other women, the hell with the majority of "average" women in America, and the hell with the roughly 3.5 billion other women on planet Earth.  

I can't abide a movement wherein outside of a few agenda points, the focus tends to be on hair, nails, eating and shopping. The only way that billions of women and girls around the world can get out of their horrible circumstances, to fight against the sort of ignorant oppression outlined in this article, the only way to improve their lives is with...the help from other women. They need the sisterly help from women that have "made it". Those that made it out of the kitchen and the bedroom, that had access to education, to reproductive rights, to voting, to driving, to gainful employment. One of the worst things I've seen with the feminist movement is the habit of pulling up the ladder when one makes it. Far too many feminists climb the economic, corporate, educational "ladder"...then pull the ladder up after that climb, and leave other women...behind. Its no good...its no better than what Neanderthal men do, and have done, to women since the dawn of time. They need our help. 

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