Saturday, November 23, 2019

Amnesty International: Facebook, Google surveillance an 'assault on privacy'. "Ass-ault" did you say? :)

"Google and Facebook dominate our modern lives - amassing unparalleled power over the digital world by harvesting and monetizing the personal data of billions of people. Their insidious control of our digital lives undermines the very essence of privacy and is one of the defining human rights challenges of our era," Kumi Naidoo, Amnesty International's secretary general, said in a press release. "To protect our core human values in the digital age - dignity, autonomy, privacy - there needs to be a radical overhaul of the way Big Tech operates, and to move to an internet that has human rights at its core," he said. 

The Internet and computers were supposed to make life easier and bring everyone together into a big "sweaty loved filled Kumbaya orgy of sharing knowledge, love and happiness". While some of that did indeed happen, as usual with a certain type of human being, greed, ego, the desire for money and power, took over. So, we really need a big old bitch slap on some of the jackasses that are now exploiting everyone and acting like its the wild frontier without checks and balances because our elected leaders are mostly a bunch of senile geriatric twat waffle fucksticks who can be bought off with a few dollars and a campaign ad. Many of them think the Internet is just an extension of the Pony Express, have no clue how to use their own phone, much less the web, the dark web and social media.  


The flip side is things like this photo below...people, good people, talented people, doing lovely things that make our hearts swell, make us feel connected though art, music, words...and appeal to our better nature, our sense of sharing, caning and wonder, our humanity.  

How to get rid of much of the bad and bring about more of the good? We need elected leaders who can't be bought off for a blowjob and a campaign glamour shot. 
Vote for me because....
I'm not wearing pants!!  :) 


  1. I'd vote the straight Ms. Vanessa ticket if you ran....just to get a peek at that beautiful bottom!!!

  2. Yup if I'm going to vote an ass it's a no brainer:)

    1. I see what you did there, just called me an...ass. :)
