Sex keeps me sane. Our world is simply nuts, bonkers, wacko, bizarre, it moves so fast. Technology changes by the second. New inventions, discoveries, trends, fashion, music, medicine, scandals, issues, slang, movies, ideologies, religions, and on and on. And even though people keep making new "sex" related items, sex robots, dildos, virtual reality stuff, porn, restraints, chastity cages out of plastic type blended substances...the core aspect remains the same, as it has since the dawn of time. Hence the photos below, statues, carvings, etchings, cave drawings, sculptures, whatever...done by our great/great/X/a billion...ancestors, 1000's of years ago...having sex and enjoying each others bodies, they way God/Goddess/Mother Nature intended. That timeless connection, that continuity, its sort of a grounding emotion as it makes us feel that we belong to our history, our planet, our souls are in sync with our contemporaries, and those that preceded us...if that makes sense. :)
(Some differences between Denmark and the USA. Found Online.)
What is socially acceptable in Denmark that would be horrifying in the U.S.?
Sex. All types. Straight, gay, different, fetish, whatever. Nobody gives a crap who you are having sex with. I have encountered a lot of Danes who are not against talking about it either. People have sex, that’s how we all got here, so it is considered natural.
Young people spending the night together. I was shocked at how my wife told me about her high school boyfriend staying with her regularly when they were in their mid to late teens. This is common throughout the country, from poor to wealthy. It was a surprise, but oddly enough, when you educate kids about sex, unplanned pregnancies happen a lot less often.
Nudity. There are breasts on advertisements on the sides of buses. It’s pretty rad. Nobody is scared of nipples here. I used the word “scared” in the sense that seeing a human body doesn’t make people here uncomfortable.
Swearing. Kids say the “F” word all the time. It doesn’t mean anything to them, so they aren’t expected to be all shocked when they hear it or say it. There isn’t a giant stigma attached to a word that is meaningless. It’s like someone in the States saying “bloody”, it doesn’t mean anything. It carries a different weight in the rest of the English-speaking world.
Kids are hovered over less. We send our 9 year old across the road to a huge apartment complex because it has half a dozen playgrounds and let him make his way home. Nobody is going to call the police because there is an unattended child playing. . on a playground.
Babies go outside to nap. Today it rained two inches. Literally. For three hours, our rain-cover enshrouded carriage held our bundled up baby. . . It was 34 degrees Fahrenheit, +1 C. Our baby sleeps in the yard at his nursery. There is a fence, but no lock between the waiting world and the sleeping infants. *NOTE* The babies are bundled up incredibly well. This concept blew my mind for years, but my son has never been cold or wet when I have gotten him out of his pram. This equipment is designed to do this, so chill out, they’re safe.
More sex. . . Dating is often done after sex. Why bother waiting around, getting to know someone, making friends, then realizing you enjoy their company, and realize you are completely sexually incompatible? Bone first. Waste less time.
*NOTE* I’m old and married. I didn’t get to do this stuff. But I know it is going on because my employees talk about it, my younger friends talk about it, and are a lot are kids from the richest neighborhood in Denmark, so it’s not just “my neighborhood”.
*NOTE 2* Get off your high horses. I don’t know if you know, but Tinder is one of the most used apps in America, and your kids are on it. They’re hiding from you what people here do in plain sight.
*NOTE 3* I recognize that sexual compatibility can be gained over shared experience and time and bla, bla, bla, whatever. I don’t care. I am stating how things are done here by the single folks. Not making a proclamation on its morality. The question is “What is socially acceptable in Denmark that would be horrifying in the U.S.?” So I am answering that question.
More swearing. Radio. TV. Doesn’t matter, people aren’t scared of words. Danes and Europeans believe freedom is a two way street. You can say what you want, and I can turn the station if I want. Weird how that works, huh? Public intoxication is pretty well tolerated. The signs on the train say “no begging, no playing music, no smoking, but drink… responsibly .The caveat: You DO NOT drink and drive in Denmark. You will lose friends for even admitting to having done so. If you get caught, chances are good, you won’t have any friends left. Young drinking age. Beer and wine is available at 16, liquor at 18. There is no home drinking age. If you are ten, or whatever, your parents can serve you in the home.
Naked kids. Nobody puts a bathing suit on kids under 3 or so. There’s no freaking out about naked kids. This is still weird to me, but when in Rome...
Instagram influencers are a joke, pathetic, a fraud, a scam and disgusting. The news is full of articles of people going broke trying to live a “jet set” lifestyle being influencers. Other articles are about people getting depressed comparing themselves to heavily, heavily, heavily, edited and photo-shopped photos, and committing suicide. Zuckerberg (owner of Facebook and Instagram) is a hacker who exploits people, lies to people, violates your privacy rights, and is an all around despicable cretin. This worship of materialism and money, worship of “celebrities” that have no talent and are famous *just* for being famous (Paris Hilton, Kardasians, Instagram influencers, etc) is so shallow, so vapid, so vacuous, and is ruining generations plus contributing to climate change as people desire cheap junk sent to them by Amazon, with free shipping, who want it yesterday. Its just gross…
Example of an "influencer".
What are the top five most recession-proof jobs in the United States?
(Found Online.)
Prostitute. They've been there since, well, they've always been there.
Doctor. To cure what the prostitute gives you. And one or two other things.
Nurse. To do the work the Doctor was supposed to know how to do.
Politicians. To tell us who to blame the recession on. And make up terms like “Economic Downturn” because they think we're too stupid to know when we are broke.
Bartenders. How the hell do you think we are gonna survive the recession?
This ranger saved this cub from a forest fire, and he can't stop hugging him.
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