Tuesday, October 8, 2019

No Deal Brexit Could Lead to Rise In Public Sex, Minister Warns. :)

Wow, they're really stretching here....to push their agenda through. Selling fear is nothing new. Selling fear about husbands, boyfriends, sons and fathers "cheating" on loved ones due to traffic jams, brought on unless you and everyone else fully endorses Boris latest bat guano crazy idea...is pretty disgusting. By the way, this is not a pro/con comment on Brexit...just a comment on the stupidity of some of the people pushing it.  

I mean...if there is a long line at Costco, or Walmart, a toll bridge, a traffic jam due to a car accident, does everyone jump out and start fucking in the bushes? Do people drop trou, start humping, jacking, slapping, sucking, fucking...whenever there is more than 8 cars at the drive-up window at any given local fast-food restaurant? No, seriously, I'm asking. I haven't left home in a few months...maybe they are doing it....and I'm the only one that doesn't know about it.  :)


Speaking of selling fear.
And stupid... :) 

On the topic of cheating... 


  1. I always wonder about these statistics. If 22% of married men have cheated and only 15% of women have cheated, does that mean the women who cheat do so with more partners? (I understand not everyone is totally heterosexual etc.)

    Or are the statistics based on what people say and inherently unreliable?

    - Rosco

    1. What? You want me to do math? :)
      I'm sure the replies are voluntary and have to be accepted (good or bad) on faith. The only other way would be...to actually watch people having cheating/fuck/affairs, to ascertain veracity. :)
