Sunday, June 30, 2019

When Orson Welles Crossed Paths With Hitler and Churchill | The Dick Cavett Show.

Perhaps its just me, but I love interviews like this. Intelligent, engaging, interesting person with a fascinating life, plus historical facts and perspective. A bonus is the audience is polite and listening. Our "evolution", between then and our now gazillion TV stations, programs, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Cable, Dish, Satellite, DVR, VCR, and whatever else that is/was new as per technology....does not, and can not, outdo good content.   :)


  1. I'd to see some collapsible models that can be slid under a bed or into a closet so you're not trying to explain to your niece at Thanksgiving dinner why you have a "potty "chair in your bedroom.

    1. This is a rather odd place to insert that comment. :)
