Friday, May 31, 2019

Chinese Programmer Claims He’s Built Facial Recognition for Porn.

 Yiqin Fu, a PhD candidate in political science at Stanford and a Twitter user, translated the tweets into English and posted on Twitter, saying that the original poster claims to have “successfully identified more than 100,000 young ladies from around the world, cross-referencing faces in porn videos with social media profile pictures. The goal is to help others check whether their girlfriends ever acted in those films.

If true, here's what might happen...
You know how multiple countries are upset with, and trying to enact laws against, women wearing the Burka/Niqab in public? I speculate that soon non-Muslim women will start wearing them in public, just to protect their privacy. And not only against invasive dickheads like this guy with the porn stuff, but as it applies to governments as well. Human beings like autonomy and privacy. When/if it gets to the point that every shop, store, bank, library, office and with closed circuit TV cameras posted all over cities have this technology, and people are using and abusing it...people will want to start covering their faces. 
I would. 
Fuck em.  :) 


  1. It's cute that you think it's a when / if situation and not a right niw situation. Moores constant has us about 50 years behind the tech curve in consumer terms. This is more like a 5 years ago thing.

    1. Feel free to supply verifiable evidence of it in its working stage.
