Friday, March 1, 2019

Feel Good Story of the Day. :)

Because these are some rather dark and ugly times, I love seeing happy, positive and optimistic stories in the news.  :)  

1 comment:

  1. There was an old used book store in my neighborhood when I was young.
    As a slightly effeminate boy I didn't have many places I could go but I could always go there and spend an afternoon just rummaging around looking for that gem that might cost me fifty cents and give me hours of escape from this world....
    I ussed to have long talks with the owner....and he used to recommend books to me....books that opened up new worlds for me...sci-fi classics by Heinlein and Asimov....history books that took me to other times and places....adventure stories that thrilled me and horror books that chilled me!!!
    I have been a voracious reader all my life and I think I really owe it all to that man and those long afternoons wandering through the musty stacks of books in his little shop...
    Now I get my books from Amazon....there's no bookstores anywhere near me...and that's really such a shame....
