Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Tales of Tuesdays Tragic Trump Tragedies. :)

A giant 'baby Trump' balloon could fly over London during UK visit.

You need a gun, to go to another country to get socialized health care, but you object to socialized medicine in America, but still want it anyway...fuck my brain hurts.  :)

Aren't most heterosexual men...."straight"?  :)

Armed for life or death battle? With a bunch of (stereotyping here) tolerant & easy going peace loving, mostly stoned & mellow, flashy & happy gay people, who just want to disco, & drink lattes? James needs to up his meds. :)
We Must Get Ready For War With Canada.  :)


  1. Baby you put tears in my eyes(mostly tears of frustration)but sometimes tears of laughter and sometimes just tears :)

  2. This was a sad day for the good old USA of us. But things have to get better, don’t they?

    1. They will get better. Roughly half the country and the vast majority of the rest of the world is against the current despot sitting in the WH and his nasty regime. :)

  3. I’ll just take the whole box :)
