Thursday, October 5, 2017

Trump nominee defends move to void gay worker protections.



  1. WC here

    His tax plan that failed so miserably is essentially the same plan purposed by the bright boys in congress now.

    Exempt pass through income (or cut the rate) and everybody will become a corporation.

    After Brownback's bill the highest paid Kansas employee (the KU basket ball coach) at around 2 million per year became a PC.

    Add it to the list of bad ideas by the the party of dumb......

    1. This is what drives me nuts with the whole left/right debate. These people are not old school Republicans...they're just insane. The majority of GOP voters are good people who deserve better.

  2. Are they?

    80% of republicans still support Trump

    The republican voters by substantial majorities:

    Don't believe in climate change

    Do believe in trickle down economics

    Are against abortion

    Are for restricting gay rights generally

    Want to spend more money on the military

    Want to spend less money on diplomacy

    Want to put more people in jail

    Think the NFL controversy is about supporting the military

    Are against any gun control

    Think they get facts on Fox news

    Think the rest of the media is fake news

    Obviously I could go on and on


    The party of stupid

    Actually the party of ignorant is more accurate

    I don't think the voters are stupid just woefully uninformed about basic facts
