Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Nocturnal Emissions - Wet Dreams....

I've never ben sure what the deal is with these. Is the term a "sanitized" super-secret code for masturbation or do guys actually have orgasms without any stimulation while being totally asleep? I just wonder as I've never known a guy that actually experienced them.


  1. Hi as a youth, I suppose around 15-16 years old I woke one morning with my groin area stuck to the bed sheets, it took me a while to work out why so yes it was a wet dream and I had no idea about. It is possible that those who masturbate and leave a mess could well blame it on a wt dream...but that would be cheating.

  2. Yes I had wet dreams.....more than once....maybe those teen hormones drove's kind of funny that when I started sleeping in panties they stopped.....who knows....I've seen a more than half a dozen psychiatrists over the years and not a one of them has a clue what anything means
    I'm pretty sure at this point that I'm OK the way I am and they're all nuts!!!!

    1. You are more than just are who you were supposed to be. :)

  3. WC here

    For what its worth I have never had one


    I have had plenty of ones on purpose:)

  4. Hi Vanessa,

    I can confirm personally that wet dreams are a real thing. My first orgasm, around 13, was me waking up just as it was spurting out. I do not recall having any type of dream.

    Leading up to this I had "found porn" on televesion from a subscription service called "On TV". We didn't subscribe so all I could see was an occasional boob as the picture was scrambled.

    That "wet dream" of course awoke me to orgasms and masturbation.

    It's never happened since.

    1. Thanks for the information. Its interesting that it was a one time thing only.

  5. More than one time for me. Mostly when i was teenager. I don't recall the content of the dreams but they were definitely erotic.
