Friday, March 24, 2023

The Clusterfucking Chaos Continues... :)

And 4 other important facts about female orgasms. 

Learn something about women guys...just to be different.  :)


Alrighty then...guess I know what I'm buying everyone for...Christmas.  :) 


Jeffree Star chose Valentine’s Day to call nonbinary people “made up.” During an appearance on a podcast, the makeup mogul went on a minute-long, expletive-ridden rant on how he’s “not into” nonbinary identity. “I’m not into all the other bullshit—the ‘they’ and ‘them’ and all that extra shit we added during the pandemic ‘cause everyone was so bored in their fucking houses and started to make up more shit,” Star said.

Human beings, gay, straight, bi, trans, male, female, intersex, asexual, pansexual...we are not homogeneous. Everyone is going to have their own opinion, as they should. This notion that you are either on "Team X" or a traitor, that tribalism, is just stupid. 


For your crotchety old cranky "stable genius" relative...on Facebook.  :)


Her words to the school board meeting where pretend false outraged conservative stupid fucks are banning/buring books below. People that fear knowledge, education, information and wisdom, are people *we* should fear...and stop from having political power. 

Good afternoon folks. I am Grace Lynn. I am a hundred years young. I'm here to protest our school district's book-banning policy. My husband Robert Nichol, was killed in action in World War II, at a very young age, he was only 26, defending our democracy, constitution, and freedoms. One of the freedoms that the Nazis crushed was the freedom to read the books they banned. They stopped the free press, banned and burned books. The freedom to read, which is protected by the First Amendment, is our essential right and duty of our democracy. Even so, it is continually under attack by both the public and private groups who think they hold the truth. In response to the book banning throughout our country and Martin County last year, during the time I was 99, I have created this quilt to remind all of us that these few of so many more books that are banned or targeted need to be proudly displayed and protected and read if you choose to.  The quilt was shown on national TV as part of Ali Velshi's 'Banned Book Club' segment. Banned books, and burning books, are the same. Both are done for the same reason: fear of knowledge. Fear is not freedom. Fear is not liberty. Fear is control. My husband died as a father of freedom. I am a mother of liberty. Banned books need to be proudly displayed and protected from school boards like this. Thank you very much. Thank you.


Slang is always amusing, even though I can't keep up with half of it...nor care to. What's also amusing to me, is that probably 98% of the gold diggers on the planet would sashay past the guy in the meme...looking for a sugar daddy, and have no idea who he even is.  :) 



Good for them. Girls and women deserve to compete against other girls and women.
Start trans sports leagues and trans people can compete against each other. 


I would not employ this person either. You go to work to do the job for which you were hired and to get paid. Your own personal life, lifestyle, choices and preferences are not relevant to your job or your boss. Show up, do your job, get your check...and shut the fuck up.  

 The comedian and podcaster's longtime passion project, Comedy Mothership, has finally opened its doors: "You can't fire me from my own club!"

If I lived in Austin, I would frequent this club on a regular basis. Humor is supposed to be offensive. Free speech can be brutal, and is usually/often honest, but either way, it needs to be protected. Fuck cancel culture...


Fucking Male "Privilege"...
Who the hell do they think they are?  :) 


If I tried to decide who is more bat guano fucking insane stupid ass crazy and moronic...the far left, or the far right...I'd have to say right now, it's a tie.   : ) 

See what I did there?
Naked ass?
No pants?
Bent over? 
Aughh..some of you people have no damn sense of humor.  :) 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Just Watch/Listen to the End...


Love her, love the song, love the ambience, love the energy, love the vibe, might have posted this before, friends of mine, wish she and the musicians had more exposure, yes she actually cut herself in several places on the tree bark, bleeding, cold, snow, dedicated to getting the shots right...end of post.  :) 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Nothing Worth Seeing/Reading Here...

This should read...
The Enduring Myth of the Gender Pay Gap. 

When they put together these cute little biased "studies" notice they only look at a few specific jobs within certain industries, and then imply the stats are applicable to all occupations. 
What do they leave out?
Runway models.
Instagram "Models".
Hooters waitresses.
Gold Diggers.
Stepford Wives.
"Kept" women.
The list goes on and on and what do they all have in common?
They make vastly more money...than men do.
So, when people claim that women "earn 82 cents for every dollar earned by men"'s a 100% pure and total lie. 


Crazy Ass Liberals. :) 

JK Rowling Pushes Back Against Pro-Trans Activists.  

What baffles me about this whole controversy any sane rational person can think the promotion of rights for trans people, means taking rights away from biological women as being...just. It's women that are being minimized by this insanity. Women. Women are women. Transwomen are transwomen. Men are men. Transmen are transmen. Not the same thing. All human beings deserve equal rights, but pretending that biology doesn't's nuts. I am mostly on the side of Rowling on this issue, as is science and facts. And I'm fed up with anyone that doesn't capitulate to this insane PC nonsense being branded as being "transphobic". Anyone that doesn't agree with the extremist elements of this agenda is called "transphobic". 

That guy is transphobic. 
That lady is transphobic. 
That traffic light is transphobic. 
That burrito is transphobic. 
Any straight guy that won't let me suck his dick is transphobic. 
Any straight chick that won't let me go down on her is transphobic. 
The wind today is transphobic. 
That dirty napkin is transphobic.  
 Science, facts, reality, biology, genetics...not politically correct, nor transphobic. 
Piss off...  :) 


 'Not how the First Amendment works'. 

A bunch of hardcore drama queen radical liberals at a liberal law school protested a conservative speaker who was invited to speak. They disrupted the event, made asses of themselves, were filmed, now want their names and photos removed from records and social media. Just to reiterate, these are law students, that have no fucking clue what the 1st Amerndment stands for...bunch of dumbfucks. :) 

Crazy Ass Conservatives.  :) 

No part of the above articles assertions stated within, can I disagree with. 

Hate has become the rotted core of the GOP.  Hate of queer people; hate of college professors; hate of Black people; hate of immigrants; hate of public school teachers and books; hate of Hispanics; hate on “uppity” women; hate of drag queens; hate of liberals; hate of American history; hate of Asians; hate of “woke” and other terms to describe tolerance and compassion. 

In other words...they hate democracy and America. 


Phone sex...old school style. 

Pants...just saying. 

Bloomers...gotta love them...right?  :) 


Alrighty then, enough out of me. 
Most people probably think that should be...forever, lol.  :) 

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Sex and Sexualized Social Sexy Society. :)

I have always been very interested in "all the sex", the interplay of sex in social issues, between the sexes, in society, how it affects our norms, laws, rules, religion, politics, dynamics, and whatever else that could be involved, meaning just about everything in life. It's odd to me how some people are so...whacked out about it, when it's the most normal and natural thing in life, something that pretty much everyone enjoys, plus, it's of critical importance to the survival of our species. So, most of the articles below relate to those topics, one way or the other. Mostly when I read articles like these, I just think to myself....calm the fuck down people, lol.  :) 

Regarding this topic, yes indeed, I am fully on board with this, and always have been. People are nuts with some tech related things these days. Much of it is amazing and a huge benefit, and much of it is just stupid and does not make life simplier, plus is an invasion of privacy. 

The End.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Bat Fucking Guano Insane Crazy MotherFucks! :)

Brigitte Bardot.

I'm not even commenting on each individual post because...people are just fucking nuts. A few days ago when it looked like Blogger might have deleted my blog, one part of me was just fine with that. Nothing to do with readers, but media, news media, information, tech overload. Sometimes I contemplate selling just about everything I own and moving to a semi-off grid place, no Internet, no TV,  no cell phone, and not leaving home...ever again.  :) 













Brigitte Bardot, again...because this is the only "pleasant", sane and rational this whole fucking post, lol.  :)