Thursday, October 7, 2021

Thurzdai... :)

Tippi Hedren with tiger.

Buy 2 for $1.00? 
Damn...times must be hard.  :)

Where is the "Douchebarge" box to check?

The Swedish warship Vasa sank in 1628 less than a mile into its maiden voyage and was recovered from the sea floor after 333 years almost completely intact. Now housed at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm, it is the world's best preserved 17th century ship. Yea...I'm bored. :)


Not at all accurate, but if it was, we can presume jealous. :)

For the love of God...Republican politicians are dumb cunts!  :)

For "All the Single Ladies" can "thank" me later.  :)

What in the flipping, flying, flacking I looking at here? :)

Nice to know Bush and the USA invaded Iraq (based 100% on lies) and "liberated" the people so they have "freedom" and "prosperity" and everything in their lives is just "fine" now...

Millennial Problems


A beam of sunlight radiating down a slot canyon in Arizona. 

Europe’s best, and oldest, social network is still working fine.


Some bosses and Republicans keep saying people don’t want to work anymore...


New Zealand seen from the International Space Station. 


Texting in the 50s and 60s. Or maybe...they're "sexting".  :)


The 'guts' beneath a New York City street.


Taiwanese and Australian firefighters.


The use of metal clamps to hold stonework together. 


Veterinarian has a comfort dog assistant that helps sick dog patients know that everything will be alright. What a "good boy"!  :) 

 CFNM...or something like that. 

 Fat-n-Full Kitty Naps.

Kitty Heaven...

What women want?  

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Sunday... :)

Sounds like something my husband would watch...

I bet my manly femininity out manly's your feminine manliness...wait...what? 
Never mind. :)

 This is one cozy looking room...for wintertime. :) 


A baby Musk Ox. Just to brighten up your day. :)

Mental health advice "Starter pack".  :)

Not really. The "new" generation is very bright. 
Its still funny though.  :)

Portrait of Jesus using AI based on what is commonly known of his ethnicity and culture for his time and region. Hear that noise? Evangelical Fundamentalist heads...are exploding.  :) 

A teacher posted this to parents...we need teachers like this.

The Scottish government gives parents of every child born there a box full of essentials to help in the early stages of parenthood, including a mattress to be used as a bed for the baby.

A traveling it.

Pretty much my attitude  :)

What a good boy! :)