Monday, August 23, 2021

Its...Summertime Girls. :)


Yea yea, I know, its cheesy, but I still like it.  :) 


Best Insult Ever? "Ab-Fab" or "The Newsroom"?  :)
"The rest were pussy-ass coward-ass Pussified pussies!"
~Charlie Skinner from "The Newsroom"
"God, I hope you're not inviting that bloody, bollocky, selfish, two-faced, chicken bastard, pig-dog-man, are you?"
~Edina Monsoon from "Absolutely Fabulous"

By the way, "Patsy Stone's" full name for the "Ab-Fab" show is: 
Eurydice Colette Clytemnestra Dido Bathsheba Rabelais Patricia Cocteau Stone.  :)


Could be some truth to this. could just slap him, then sit on his face.  :) 


Um...well, never mind, as you were. :)

 No, but yes, but no
I had a boyfriend that had one of these. The backseat was okay, this version would be bigger. I mean, you could manage a small orgy in the back of a station wagon, but still...just, no. :)

By the way, I think Biden is a moron for his Afghanistan "move". 


Best Wedding Photo...ever?  :)


A leopard crossing the road with her cubs.


Worlds Biggest Treadmill. 
Okay, sure...but why? 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

OnlyFans to Bar Sexually Explicit Videos in October. :)

                          OnlyFans to Bar Sexually Explicit Videos Starting in October. 

This follows a trend of numerous sites, huge sites, that allowed porn, or "turned a blind eye" to it, to get traction, to get hits, to grow, and then suddenly went mainstream, with the agenda of doing an IPO and selling out to Wall Street investors. Whatever. I know almost nothing about it, other than the site made like...a Twatillion dollars. (See what I did there? Porn? Nudity? Twats? Ah...never mind.)  :)


Rush...has their own beer now. 

My kind of party! I love smartasses... :)

 I'm not one that uses the word "hero" for anybody, but the overall point here is valid.


 Thots and Preyers. (I guess I'm the only one that finds my "Thots and Preyers" joke funny. But then again, maybe its not funny and I'm just a wee bit insane. I mean, its possible. As evidence of that insanity, you're typing to yourself, having a conversation with yourself, within the confines of parenthesis's, and actually sort of enjoying it, lol.)  :)

Boat in Copenhagen.

Amazing view. 

An actual functional tattoo. 


 Someone altered the Flag of the Taliban, and added multiple cocks on it. :)


  How unfair (and totally accurate) is this? :)


In case anyone wonders what happened to the dinosaurs, here's a baby Blue Heron. 


Stake out at Starbucks? 
Fuck Elizabeth, that fucking littering fucking bitch! :)


Baby "Tank" Annoying Mom.  :) 


Helicopter tail...its real. 


Hang-gliding is one thing, you have to be out of your fucking mind to do this!  

Dog: "Can a guy just get some peaceful sleep for Fucks Sake"?!

(Turn down speakers before playing.) 



The End.  :)