Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Mother Load... :)

Okay, I've had it with PC people. I got bitched at the other day (but then I set them straight, lol) for using the word retarded, which some people don't think is "appropriate". Beyond the point of free speech, the evolution of language should be organic and not forced, words can have different meanings and definitions. Eample below. 

"Retard the Dyke before those Faggots get Wet!" 
Retard = slow. 
Dyke = a damn/blocade for holding back water. 
Faggot = Middle English (in the sense ‘bundle of sticks for fuel). 
Faggot = Cigarettes in the UK and other places.

Put another way, "Retard the Dyke before those Faggots get Wet" simply means: 
"Slow down the flow of water behind the damn so my smokes won't get wet". 

I've said it before, saying it again: 
Flame Retardant.
Paint Retarder.
Mechanics and welders "retard" the flow of oxygen or acetylene on a torch, or the oxygen or fuel on a carburetor. Would I call a gay person a faggot or a dyke? Would I call someone with Downs syndrome retarded? Of course not. If I use the word retarded, its usually done to describe Trumpian type Republicans, which means it's accurate, as in terminological exactitude. So, to those that want to cram their poltically correct version of what is allowable speech on others...Fuck off. :)
Queening chair building...mid-production.

Finally wandered back into the shop to finish the Queening chair...
Still not wearing pants. :) 


   Hey, if it helps people learn geography...I'm all for it.  :)

The Mad Max Amp truck is for sale, I'd buy it...if it has a cup holder. :) 


The Aquaman sequel...looks terrible.  :)

Now that...is a Taco Platter.  :)


Spider-Man. After Working From Home during the Pandemic.  :)

"The Right Cant Meme".
 I don't think they understand how HIV is spread...

OHSA Aproved!  :)


So, a fake "outrage" situation in the sports world. Apparently rock climber Johanna-Farber is "upset" because cameras zoomed in on her ass while climbing. The chalk handprints caught the cameraman's eyes...which is *exactly* what she intended. 


Husband got a promotion?  

If someone doesn't know why people are making memes and mocking these guys, they showed up at the (failed) Trump/Insurrection effort/protest last Saturday, and tried to "blend in" as protesters. Massive fail as they are so *obviously* cops, Secret Service, CIA or whatever. 



If you will be yourself - you will not only attract those that you like. 
But also - repel those that you don't! Be yourself. 

Someone pointing out the hypocrisy of Nicki Minaj, after her "anti-vaxx" comments. 

Derange far right nut cases *actually* think they're modern day versions of Daniel Boone or Davy Crockett. Ergo the fake "coonskin cap" which is probably plastic & made in China. :) 

You see an ad stating "Hot Drunk Hairy Pussy"...proceed with caution. :)


People love to think Jews and Muslims as enemies, but: As Jews were fasting on Yom Kippur, dozens of Muslim volunteers took it upon themselves to fill all ambulance shifts in Jerusalem. 

This is very important, of critical importance in fact. I mean, if its "riding high" you can't have the tie dragging in the soup right? At the same time, if its "riding low" what about prehistoric Jurassic mud? That's no good either. The *obvious* solution is...a bowtie.  :)

In another installment of "The Right Can't Meme"...Trump was a coward hiding out in the condo his Daddies money bought him, and Bush was POTUS...*not* Obama.  :) 

Hey, he's at least pretending he's having a "good time". 

Garter? I thought he was going down on her.  :)

Baby Elephant wants to Cuddle.  :) 


True Love. 

The End.  :)