Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Northern Ireland’s First Lesbian Wedding Trans Adult Twitter Directory - Snark. :)

Northern Ireland: first same-sex wedding has. Mrs & Mrs Robyn & Sharni Edwards-Peoples. 



I myself am partial to Neapolitan sex. 

Airborne photo of Egypt. 


Not all Internet searches yield accurate information. 
Shocking....I know. :)



I feel like Ivanka gets murdered on most of her tweets...well deserved. :)


Typical Trump voter mentality.
Don't like the extortionist price of Insulin?
Don't buy it....pussy.  :) 


Cherry blossoms in Tokyo.


Eminem and Elton John at the Oscars. 
Matching homes not related.  :)


Wedding day, circa 1970.


A gorgeous wedding dress with gold work embroidery. 


Stormy sunrise over the Tetons, Wyoming. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

Spanking Skirt - Silver Metallic Skirt & Bandeau - BDSM Clothes - No Pants. :)

 These photos are dark as it's overcast. My photography skills leave a lot to be desired and I have issues. I also have tape issues...as in when boxing up packages, I end up with more tape on me than the box. Its a personal bondage issue...bound up by tape...done by ones self. Could be I should stop drinking Vodka with my Wheaties...cuz you know what they say: 
One's alright, 
Two's the most.
Three, you're under the table.
Four, you're under the host. :) 



Friday, February 7, 2020

Utah Bill Would Label All Porn in the State “Harmful".

As usual, this fundamentalist Mormon has no evidence to back up his claims. No data from scientific journals. No peer reviewed studies. Nothing. None. Nada. Zilch. Zip.  


Besides the very serious issue mentioned above, what the fuck is up with Mormons and cows (Oxen?) in church? 

Dick pics...before cellphones and social media.




Madonna looking saucy, snarky and sexy in 1983.

The only reason to put the toilet paper roll on backwards...

                                     He just completely and totally...gave up.  :)

                                                         Coastal Oregon.


Sissy Aprons - Spanking Skirts - Cross-Dressing Aprons - Cock Skirts - Chastity Aprons...


If I've said it once, I've said it...twice.  :)
I still don't know what to call these. 

Cock Chastity Cuckold Curtain Aprons?
Cute Cunt Curtain Accouterments?
(Gender neutral and unisex usable.)

Super Spankable Sissy Spanking Skirt?
Fluffer's Swallowers Lap Bibs?  
Female Led Relationship Domestic Discipline Uniforms for Feminized Men?
Glory Hole Aprons? 

The difference between this and others I've made in the past is...this one does not have a privacy "curtain" hanging down to protect your modesty. 
So your "business" is exposed.
You are open for "business". 
Your "store" is accepting..."customers".
Your "warehouse" is actionable. 
Your "shop" is taking in patrons...like a two bit whore on a hot summer night, after way too many drinks, in a NoTell-Motel right off the freeway.  

It does however, have Velvet on both the exterior and the interior (liner).
Double sided Velvet.  
Which is more than most whores can say.  :)  



Thursday, February 6, 2020

Shakira: Most Domly Dominating FemDom. :)

The video below is a few years old, but still relevant & interesting. Should one care to watch it, watch to the end, or it won't totally sense. My point about "FemDom" is, not about sex. Sure, sexual domination is a "thing" & one can tell, that like yours truly, she demands satisfaction. :)

But the reason why I'm posting this, is her inspirational passion for helping others. Being "dominant", having parity, equality, having power, resources, money, a voice, means one should advocate for those that are less fortunate, those without a voice, those that can not actively care for themselves, nor better their own lives on their own due to a myriad of circumstances. If someone has that option, the ability to help others and fails to even try, well....what the hell is the point? Having equality, money, power, a dominate personality, and *not* using it to improve the lives of other people and our planet, is just a waste. :)  

FSC Issues Statement on Utah’s ‘Porn Labeling’ Bill....and, you know....Fuck Trump! :)

 "A proposed bill in the Utah legislature would require adult content to carry a warning attesting to the alleged dangers of viewing, or face a $2500 fine. The bill is unsupported by scientific facts, and very clearly unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that such requirements are “compelled speech,” and a violation of First Amendment rights. The government can not force its citizens or organizations to convey a specific message, especially one political in nature."

When a paltry few more miles of wall are finished (95 percent never will be), which Mexico will *not* pay one penny for, nor should they, and Dotards term is over (1st or 2nd) and it becomes obvious that bronze aged walls don't stop migrants, and billions of dollars are being spent for maintenance, I will be at the border shaking hands with migrants as they come across, expressing how I will proudly live next to them.  :)


Pussy Ass Coward Ass Pussifed Pussy Trump (love that term, giggles to self) & his Pussy Ass Coward Ass Pussifed Pussy voters notwithstanding...I'm still optimistic, & happy. :) 


On this day in 1990, Harvard Law Review elected its 1st black president.