Thursday, February 6, 2020

FSC Issues Statement on Utah’s ‘Porn Labeling’ Bill....and, you know....Fuck Trump! :)

 "A proposed bill in the Utah legislature would require adult content to carry a warning attesting to the alleged dangers of viewing, or face a $2500 fine. The bill is unsupported by scientific facts, and very clearly unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has ruled repeatedly that such requirements are “compelled speech,” and a violation of First Amendment rights. The government can not force its citizens or organizations to convey a specific message, especially one political in nature."

When a paltry few more miles of wall are finished (95 percent never will be), which Mexico will *not* pay one penny for, nor should they, and Dotards term is over (1st or 2nd) and it becomes obvious that bronze aged walls don't stop migrants, and billions of dollars are being spent for maintenance, I will be at the border shaking hands with migrants as they come across, expressing how I will proudly live next to them.  :)


Pussy Ass Coward Ass Pussifed Pussy Trump (love that term, giggles to self) & his Pussy Ass Coward Ass Pussifed Pussy voters notwithstanding...I'm still optimistic, & happy. :) 


On this day in 1990, Harvard Law Review elected its 1st black president. 


  1. Hi Vanessa - well done for staying happy. i find it hard sometimes but your blog always helps.


    1. No, negative, nope on giving in or getting depressed. I mean it happens, to all of us, but we gotta stay optimistic, have to keep trying, gotta press onward to make things better. And I do very much appreciate the nice words about my blog, thank you. :)

  2. Hello miss Chaland,

    I think that we can all agree on the hope that the US voter will remember this farce on justice, when elections are coming.
    Thumbs up for Mr. Romney, the only guy who wouldn't sell out his dignity for another term in politics.

    Kind regards,

    Marco (from Lindsay)

    1. I'd like to hope you're right, about voters "remembering" this fiasco. But sadly, far too many are too ignorant to even be aware that the entire Trump administration, his whole life really, is one big lie, one big shell game, one big con...and they won't be aware until its too late. Just like the Bush invasion of Iraq. By the time the retarded Fox News GOP finally figured it out, trillions had been wasted, and of far greater importance, lives had been wasted. For nothing other than some cheap jingoistic chants about 'Murica, being #1. Its disgusting and pathetic...
