Wednesday, April 4, 2018

We don't need no Stinking Badges...and we don't need no Fucking Medieval Era Wall. :)

Just saying, because you know...Trumps alarmist fear mongering incoherent babbling aside...those billions could be spent on something better.
We need bridges between people and nations, not walls.

Oh, and the Chinese are targeting states and areas that were heavily supportive for Trump with their reciprocal tariffs, so his failed trade war is already negatively affecting the very people that voted for him. In addition, having Sinclair rig news programing in the vein of Trump talking points isn't helping. All the screaming about "fake news" is true...but its from Fox News and the far right. Its what happens when people elect a fucking clown from TV, for a real life POTUS. 


I'm an Independent. I've voted for Republicans, Democrats, Green and Libertarian. I have no need to align myself with one particular party and I detest a demographer trying to "place me". I happen to love the USA and don't care about "snowflakes" or "liberals" or "cuckservatives" or the usual childish invective laden insults. A demented pathological liar not in touch with reality is wandering aimlessly around the White House muttering to himself...its not good.
This is serious stuff.
This is for real.

Today In History.

Martin Luther King Jr. remembered on his 50th death anniversary .
Maya Angelou would have turned 90.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Stuff you will find fascinating...Because otherwise why the Fuck am I doing this? :)

The Milky Way over the Seven Strong Men Rock Formations.
Guess what I've been up to today?  :)

How clouds are made.  :)

Not sure if this is true....
Frank Frazetta
Julian Voss-Andreae is the sculptor of these amazing works of art. His background in physics and mathematics shows how art and science can mix to create mind-blowing work.



Professional dominatrix reveals kinky move you should always do during foreplay.


What It’s Like to Go Through Life As a Really Beautiful Woman.


Women imagine how bad male writers would describe them.

(I just found this thread amusing.)
Podcast host Whit Reynolds challenged her followers to describe themselves how they imagined a male author would see them.

She slid her legs into skintight jeans, the better to flaunt their leg-like shape, and strode down a corridor, walking on her legs, which were long. Wow, she thought, my legs are so long. Her breasts jounced their agreement.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Need some help here. Can I get a little help here?

Lost my pants again... :)


The Rosette Nebula.
And in the spirit of Jesus, the purported resurrection and his message of acceptance, forgiveness, altruism, benevolence, being thy brothers keepers, helping those without, advocating for those unable to advocate for keeping with current socio-political trends...never mind.  :)