Wednesday, April 4, 2018

We don't need no Stinking Badges...and we don't need no Fucking Medieval Era Wall. :)

Just saying, because you know...Trumps alarmist fear mongering incoherent babbling aside...those billions could be spent on something better.
We need bridges between people and nations, not walls.

Oh, and the Chinese are targeting states and areas that were heavily supportive for Trump with their reciprocal tariffs, so his failed trade war is already negatively affecting the very people that voted for him. In addition, having Sinclair rig news programing in the vein of Trump talking points isn't helping. All the screaming about "fake news" is true...but its from Fox News and the far right. Its what happens when people elect a fucking clown from TV, for a real life POTUS. 


I'm an Independent. I've voted for Republicans, Democrats, Green and Libertarian. I have no need to align myself with one particular party and I detest a demographer trying to "place me". I happen to love the USA and don't care about "snowflakes" or "liberals" or "cuckservatives" or the usual childish invective laden insults. A demented pathological liar not in touch with reality is wandering aimlessly around the White House muttering to himself...its not good.
This is serious stuff.
This is for real.


  1. Fake news aka propaganda is the modus operandi of all the networks and news organizations. To state differently is disingenuous. CNN, Fox, MSNBC are all pushing agendas on the audience. I got rid of cable/satellite ten years ago and we are happier for it. Newspapers are no better.
    Insofar as the wall is concerned, we live in SoCal. In 1985, a framing carpenter earned $45/hr. Today, they earn $11/hr. It has everything to do with the invasion taking place on our southern border. The estimate of 11 million illegals is nonsense. There are that many just in Cali. The Mexican migrants have decimated the earnings of many trades. Now the well paying tech jobs are following the same trend. As the government imports Pakistanis and Indians for cheaper labor for big business, once well paying jobs wil become

    1. "News" as we typical use the word is to update or spread information on a recent event to the masses. There is no such things as "fake" news. There is parody, satyr, propaganda, comedy etc...but "news" is an actual event.

      There is an ocean right next to where "the wall" is supposed to be. People will go over the wall, under the wall, around the wall.

      The stupidity is our having spent gazillions trying to keep Native Americans (yea, that's what they are) on one side of a river rather than spending the same (or less) helping them fix their country and economy. We've done it for Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan so why no Mexico. Its mostly our policy that has kept their country in such dire straits. The USA fucks up more things than we ever fix.

      Globalization is what affects salaries...not one country. Wall Street is what caused the recession. Wall Street is what shifted jobs overseas. Blaming poor indigent people (who had their land stolen) that just want to feed their kids is wrong. :)

  2. Fake news aka propaganda is the modus operandi of all the networks and news organizations. To state differently is disingenuous. CNN, Fox, MSNBC are all pushing agendas on the audience. I got rid of cable/satellite ten years ago and we are happier for it. Newspapers are no better.
    Insofar as the wall is concerned, we live in SoCal. In 1985, a framing carpenter earned $45/hr. Today, they earn $11/hr. It has everything to do with the invasion taking place on our southern border. The estimate of 11 million illegals is nonsense. There are that many just in Cali. The Mexican migrants have decimated the earnings of many trades. Now the well paying tech jobs are following the same trend. As the government imports Pakistanis and Indians for cheaper labor for big business, once well paying jobs will become low paying jobs. Look, Trump is a weasel but so was Obama, Bush, Clintons, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ...the list goes on. Government is not here to help us. We are tax donkeys and little else.

    1. I wondered why your earlier message...trailed off. For some reason the first one, truncated, came through and now the longer version just appeared. :)
