Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Status of The Stately State. :)


 Biological men in women's weightlifting? 
In a desire to make things fair for trans people, putting cis girls/women at a disadvantage does *not* advance equality, or the human condition. 


View from a roof terrace in Portofino, Liguria, north-western Italy.


Mt. Fuji. 


It sucks that racists hijacked *actual* patriotism. 


Crackhead Craigslist Ad? 


With the exception of the eyes, this is gorgeous. 


A rare white reindeer.



Sex and the Church have always gone hand-in-hand, & sometimes in the mouth, & up the butt. (That is *not* a joke about pedophilia...I do not joke about that...ever.)  :)

Five months (5 months plus) after what is regarded globally as one of the cleanest elections in the history of the United States, and the world, we still have insane unpatriotic lunatics disputing the results. Cult members are just...bizarre. 


The two photos below are from a "charming" conversation I had...on Reddit. 


Aquatic Tug Of War?  :)

Thursday, May 6, 2021

What a Fascinating Time To Be Alive. :)

A couple of satisfied Queening chair customers of mine. 
She particularly, is very, very, very "satisfied".  :)


 The blue pearl of Morocco - Chefchaouen.


Untitled, Jihae Park, Digital, 2020.


On todays episode of "Why I wanna quit my job". 
Coffee snobs...are insane. The level of douchebaggery with some of these orders, the details, the hassle for the baristas, the time consumed to make one, the price for a cup of java, and lastly the fact that...with that many ingredients in a cup, miniscule tiny amounts of ingredients, there is no way in hell you'd even know if half of them were forgotten, its just nuts. 



Massive societal shifts are occurring...due to the pandemic, the resulting economic challenges, political strife, demographic shifts, migration, climate change, the list goes on and on. And things will never be the "same", ever again. The post Baby Boomer generations are rejecting so many things from their parents and grandparents eras. They don't want McMansions. They don't want "Caddies" or Hummers. The don't want the nuclear family with the 2.2. kids, 2 dogs, the white picket fence and all that. They can't afford it. They don't make enough and probably never will, to afford kids at $100k plus, small or average houses for $300k plus, $100K plus student loans, and what for some, could/would be millions (literally, millions) of dollars in healthcare costs.

With a shrinking demographic, there will be less money, and less people paying money, into things like Social Security, and taxes in general. Housing prices will stagnate in some areas, but rental prices will increase. Less business for wedding planners, less bridal gowns, less money spent in related industries that catered to brides, starter homes, kids going to schools, daycare, babysitting, diapers, you name it. And the older generations, those that are relying on the supply and demand for homes, certain types of jobs, autos, things like that...are getting really, really, really pissed off about it. I mean, if young people can't or won't buy homes, the price of your own home ceases to appreciate in value. Less money for SSI and local tax based social programs and thinks like schools, parks, libraries and so on.  

But, its not like this should be a surprise. The Federal Minimum Wage is...$7.25 an hour (has been since 2009, basically 12 years without a single penny increase) and congress, (particularly one party) refuses, adamantly refuses, to raise it, or to raise taxes on billionaires, or reduce bloated Pentagon spending and so on. And now they're starting to regret some of their actions. The greed and lies has been exposed, and more will be, with long lasting repercussions...really damn quick.  :)



People in a cult, don't know they're in a cult, but everyone else can tell.




Watering crops with the night's condensation. 


Kick Ass Killer Kanine Unit.  :) 

Sunday, May 2, 2021

I'm a Hooker, not a Damsel in Distress. (Found Online.)


(Found Online. *Not* written by me.)

  Today we’re going to talk about misogyny. Well, more broadly we’re going to talk about this fucking image society holds of sex workers as either deluded victims who must be saved from themselves or as traitorous collaborators with the Man. But if you can’t see how saturated either of these images are with misogyny, then you’re not looking close enough.

  This viewpoint is solidly rooted in an archaic and sexist view of women as particularly fragile and vulnerable beings, but we’re not. There is this bullshit popular belief, which is vigorously perpetuated by anti-sex feminists, conservative Christians, and ignorant fucks that sex work is intrinsically harmful, and therefore the (ADULT) women who participate in it need to be “protected” by our choices. But the same thing was once believed about homosexuality; it was said to lead to violence, drug use, disease, and mental illness. As we now know, these problems were not caused by homosexuality itself; they were the result of legal oppression and social stigma, and once those harmful factors were removed the associated “problems” vanished as well. Women who choose to fuck for money do not need your misogynistic puritan ass to come and save them, we need your respect.

  Prostitution allows us a way to safely explore our sexual desires in ways that we can’t through the current social norms of heterosexual, monogamous relationships. Which I know is terrifying to men who are desperately clutching at the old-fashioned idea that women should depend on them and them alone to satisfy her needs, but it’s about time that they get the fuck over it. It also gives a lot of us who have yet to achieve a college degree the opportunity to earn more money than most people who do possess one make. Hookers are not feeble, innocent women being exploited – we’re students paying for school without needing loans, we’re single mothers raising our children without the burden of financial stress, we’re partners helping to make ends meet so that we can live comfortably, we’re sluts who want to relish in the power of our unbridled sexuality – we’re capable and intelligent and sick of your fucking ignorance.

  The right to control our sexuality is as essential to feminism (and humanity) as the right to control our reproduction is, and yet, just like with birth control, society (aka men) thinks they’re entitled to have a say in what that looks like. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM OUR BODIES…IT’S OUR OWN DAMN CHOICE! This idea that women can’t willingly and powerfully choose prostitution derives from the idea that a woman shouldn’t have control over her own body, and that consequently labels women as second-class citizens and places them under the control of men. So, ironically (I hope, I always use this word wrong), these men or feminists or parents or whoever, telling us we need saved from our "oppressive" jobs are the ones that are degrading and oppressing us…not the job itself.

  In other “normal” fields of work many workers earn their living by exerting a strong aspect of their personality. Managers are paid for their leadership abilities, teachers for their patience, and waiters for their extroversion. Why, then, is it wrong for a prostitute to profit from her sexuality? Maybe it’s because there is a disturbing number of people in the world who want to keep the sexual behavior of marginalized people, such as homosexuals or trans people, subject to police scrutiny and state punishment - and sex workers are no different. Workers in any entertainment field, such as stage actors, dancers, or comedians, are paid for their actual labor…same with prostitution. We’re entertainers who are being paid for our labor. The root of each type of work is essentially the same: to provide a pleasurable experience for a customer. Ours is just more fun.

  There is absolutely no reason why sexual commerce should not be viewed and treated like other forms of entertainment work. What makes it different from other work is the stigma attached to it, and a set of stereotypes and assumptions about the girls working and their conditions. “Sex work is work”- that’s not some radical statement, it’s a fact. Sex work is not a crime, nor a scam, nor a lazy way to get by, nor a form of oppression. It is a personal service, akin to massage, or nursing, or counseling, and should be treated as such.

  Straight up this is the stitch for prostitution: many of the assumptions and public policies regarding it are based on either folk wisdom or ignorance or some bullshit religious morality, and furthermore, are blatantly gender-biased. Society is obsessed with controlling women’s bodies – women who are denied individual agency and respect for their decisions and depicted as passive victims are more easily controlled and contained. But fuck you, we deserve the right to choose, and we deserve to have that choice respected. It’s like Salt-n-Peppa said, “If she wanna be a freak and sell it on the weekend, it’s none of your damn business.” When will society learn that they don’t have the right to dictate what a woman does with her body? A woman should be able to decide that she wants to sell her fucking pussy and not have to deal with the bullshit of being chastised by an immoral society that clings to the false pretense of puritan ideals that dictate what is “moral.”

  I am a fucking whore, in every sense of the word. I get off on selling my body for money. I love to fuck, and be fucked, and be around others who are fucking. I’m also intelligent, and emotionally stable, and confident, and empowered, and loved, and worthy, and so fucking sick and tired of being told that I need saving. Just like with everyone, we deserve your respect. That's all. xx Harper

 (Just to reiterate, the above fantastically on point piece of verbiage, was not written by me.)  :)

Sunday Insomnia Blathering... :)

Apparently some people seem to think that the impetus behind BDSM is misogyny or misandry. According to them, being a misandrist or a misogynist *is* a fetish, one which requires the humiliation, degradation, beating, corporal punishment, debasement and dominance of whichever specific group. I'm always amazed at how a segment of society can be so, so, so uneducated on some topics, but then still see fit to expound on those topics in articles, on social media etc. 

Misogyny and/or misandry are not a fetish...but rather a demented view of society and the respective roles that women and men play in them, and for purposes of this rant, our "roles" in sex and BDSM. Kinky sex, the healthy sort, is not bred out of hatred. Its bred out of power, control, sex, pain, dominance, submission, endorphins, roleplay, role reversal, dopamine, lust, oxytocin, and a myriad of other chemicals, urges, desires and on on. If you look at sex in the animal kingdom, and yes we are animals, that raw, dirty, sometimes sort of violent foreplay, those animalistic carnal hedonistic acts, which are normal...that is us in our natural state. That society and religion has been trying to convince humans for a couple thousand years that "sex" should be....once a week, with the lights off, missionary position, for the purposes of procreation is erroneous and unfortunate. I simply don't understand people that lack intellectual curiosity. Even on topics that I have little interest in, something new crosses my path, I want to know at least the basics of it. I love learning. I want to know about, and understand the world around me. And when its something that *does* interest me...I suck up information like a fluffer sucking a dick in a gloryhole.   :) 


Guys...seeking FemDoms...sheesh. When bored I sometimes peruse a few ads on Twitter, Reddit, various forums and so on, and they're mostly all the same. With all due respect, stop looking for a "Dominant Woman" first and foremost, and look for a woman who happens to be somewhat dominant, or sexually dominant. There is a massive, huge, night and day difference. With the former, there are like...76 gabillion submissive guys running essentially the same type of ads...that come across as if they're expecting a "Made-To-Order FemDom" to knock on their door. With the latter, you are seeking a *human being* first, a person, a whole person, a woman with hopes, dreams, a life, aspirations, intelligence, a heart, hobbies, a past, a future, who also...is seeking, or is open to an alternative lifestyle in that regard. I wish guys (not implying anyone specifically) would understand how rude, presumptuous and coldhearted it is to treat any "dominant" woman like an employee, a piece of meat, fantasy fulfillment for *his* desires only. If a guy treats women online, when running or responding to ads like a human being...he'd get more replies, increasing the likelihood of meeting a match. :) 

I guess these masturbatory devices are of crucial importance...
For anyone without a fulltime tongue slave.  :)


Ah yes...the Golden Shower Yard Art Bronze Statue....gotta get me one of them.  :)


I so much love a humorous smartass. So, whomever did the meme below, and decided to block out the dogs eyes, (as they do to protect identity) is brilliant.  :) 


Man up Boys!   :)