Thursday, October 24, 2019

What's Up World? :)

A very, very happy fawn (at least I think its a fawn) frolicking in the surf. 


A cozy spot in the sunshine...

This Priest brings stray and abandoned dogs dumped off at the shelters to his church services, where the parishioners usually adopt them. This makes him one super fantastic Priest.  :)

Ever notice how any female villain, diabolical lady, any sort of "odd" female character in Hollywood always looks sort of...."Dominatrixy"?  

Carolyn Jones as Mortica Addams from The Addams Family 1964 TV series.

Trump said he's building a "border wall" between Mexico and...Colorado.
Good to know.  :) 

Good thing people have a healthier alternative to vaping!  


This couple planted over 2 million trees to regrow a forest in 20 years.


Boys will be boys...


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Pitch, Please with Julia Roberts - Snarky Memes and Rockabilly Fashion. :)

I found this video amusing because of the apropos of the phrases she used to describe the product. Its also interesting because if you think about it, here in the USA, 15, or even 10 years ago we would have never seen something like this on daytime TV. 




Moon phases recorded for 28 days. 
Each photo is taken from the same place every day. 
Photo by Georgia Hofer.

Fashion trends tend to be cyclical right. So I wonder if the "Beehive" hairdo will ever make a comeback...


Though it has been around since the 1950s, rockabilly culture is still going strong in Japan. Portraits of Tokyo’s Fascinating Rockabilly Subculture Amongst Roller-Zoku Gangs.

The clarity of this water is amazing.

Train Passing Through Harz National Park. 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Most Famous Cuckolds And The Women That Made Them.

I'm a bit under the weather...and all alone I'm bored, just sitting here looking stuff up. 
Older articles, but might be of interest for some people.  :)

UK’s Age Verification Requirement ‘Delay’ Becomes Permanent.

No mention of how many millions of dollars (pounds) they wasted over the last few years trying to implement this colossal clusterfuck of censorship. 

Monday, October 14, 2019

Katie Couric Starts “Next Question” with Anti-Porn Answers.

Odd...about a gazillion FemDoms and submissive female fans of 50 Shades of Grey...disagree.  :)

All the Memes that are (Not) Fit to Print!:)

Late night phone calls (to boyfriends no doubt) at a women's dorm in the 1970's. Its phone sex...but with a rotary phone and perhaps even an operator to connect the two parties. Anyone remember "party lines"? Ah yes...those were the days.  :) 

Someone made their van all comfortable and lounge ready. 


 This cozy room is inside a boat. I just love it. 

She forgot about her reflection when she slimmed down her thighs. This stuff is nuts. I mean she's young, attractive, thin, why feel the need to do some half-ass Photoshop job? It makes no sense. If someone feels they need to firm up, to tighten up...just move. Do some yard work. Jog, lift weights, Yoga, stretching, Pilates, go for a walk, clean house, hike, whatever...just moving will burn calories and use/tone those muscles. 


Doing steroids is about as "legit" as using Photoshop, plastic surgery or whatever else. 


Proof that one does not need fad diets, steroids, plastic surgery, or even a gym membership for that matter. The photo below is of Bathurst Island natives in the 1930's. Hard work and lean clean food...created these ripped up muscular bodies.

I know the following meme is about a decade old...but it still amused me how they tried to tie BDSM in with "atheist sin", even though most religions are based on guilt, confession, penance and...punishment.  :) 

 1st, 1st, 1st World Problems. Some days....I tell you, people just really get on my nerves with their spoiled and entitled forced outrage and their...whining.  :)

Um...what's with that...bulge?  :)


When you really, really, really need to tie back your hair....right now!  :)


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Stuff... :)

The most “peaceful” war in history in terms of destruction and casualties? The "war" between Denmark and Canada which has been going on since 1984. The two countries, specifically Greenland and Canada (the Danes are deputies), are 'fighting' over a small, uninhabitable island called Hans Island. The war goes like this: In turns, both countries send their military to the small island in order to hoist their own flag, and to remove their counterpart's one. Over and over again. The Danes always leave a bottle of Danish liquor for the Canadians, and the Canadians leave a bottle of whiskey for the Danes. If that's not the right way to resolve a conflict, I don't know what is.


Planning a little road trip.  :)


Same tree...throughout all four seasons. 



Let me show you....this.  :) 


Trump claimed 20 professional climbers tested the border wall and could not climb it. 
Here is a climber on a replica of the Trump Border Wall, climbing it in 27 seconds.