Monday, October 14, 2019

All the Memes that are (Not) Fit to Print!:)

Late night phone calls (to boyfriends no doubt) at a women's dorm in the 1970's. Its phone sex...but with a rotary phone and perhaps even an operator to connect the two parties. Anyone remember "party lines"? Ah yes...those were the days.  :) 

Someone made their van all comfortable and lounge ready. 


 This cozy room is inside a boat. I just love it. 

She forgot about her reflection when she slimmed down her thighs. This stuff is nuts. I mean she's young, attractive, thin, why feel the need to do some half-ass Photoshop job? It makes no sense. If someone feels they need to firm up, to tighten up...just move. Do some yard work. Jog, lift weights, Yoga, stretching, Pilates, go for a walk, clean house, hike, whatever...just moving will burn calories and use/tone those muscles. 


Doing steroids is about as "legit" as using Photoshop, plastic surgery or whatever else. 


Proof that one does not need fad diets, steroids, plastic surgery, or even a gym membership for that matter. The photo below is of Bathurst Island natives in the 1930's. Hard work and lean clean food...created these ripped up muscular bodies.

I know the following meme is about a decade old...but it still amused me how they tried to tie BDSM in with "atheist sin", even though most religions are based on guilt, confession, penance and...punishment.  :) 

 1st, 1st, 1st World Problems. Some days....I tell you, people just really get on my nerves with their spoiled and entitled forced outrage and their...whining.  :)

Um...what's with that...bulge?  :)


When you really, really, really need to tie back your hair....right now!  :)



  1. The Girl Scouts are an amazing organization and teach all sorts of life skills like resourcefulness in an emergency.
