Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Hotel With ‘No Men Allowed’ Policy Opens.

Interesting concept...but I'm not sure I support the idea. Sure, its great, in theory, to have an all girls place. Just to hang out with girlfriends, lounge, gossip, unwind and take it easy. But it's not really promoting inclusion right? Its not supporting equality nor egalitarianism. And if/when/should it be the opposite, meaning a "No Women Allowed" hotel, would feminists support the idea? Doubtful. Very doubtful. I suspect we'd have lawsuits, protests and riots in their parking lot.

Besides, no men often equals...boring. 
I mean, who would I sexually harass while on this vacation? 
I can do that at home.  :)


Unless, of course... :)

"Me, my Kinks and I"..... Blog Others Might Enjoy Reading. :)


Photo below is unrelated to blog above...but I just like homemade fetish artwork. :)

Restoring Faith In Humanity. Must Read/Click This...It will Heal Your Troubled Soul. :)


 Jacqueline Nyetipei, a Kenyan marathon runner, was going for the first place in a race when she passed a disabled Chinese runner, who was struggling to drink water. She slowed down to help him, causing herself to come second in the race.


(And the flip side of everything posted above is...this. The opposite of humanity...just materialistic greed. Text below found online. Not written by me.) 

I was getting ice cream with my family the other day, and I stumbled on a scene of a mid 30s guy taking pictures—of his shoes. This guy wasn’t just snapping a casual pic and getting on with his day, he was conducting a full on photoshoot, lifting his heels, shifting the position of his feet to get the the perfect angle, you get the idea. It wasn’t a graceful thing either, more of an “oh shit I might drip my ice cream on my shoes” kind of thing. I couldn’t help but wonder why this event seemed so important to this guy? When I got home that evening I typed in the letters I had remembered from the side of his shoes SPLY-350, and realized these were no ordinary kicks. These were Kanye West limited edition Yeezys with a street value of $1250. 

I did some digging on these things to understand the psychology of why someone would purchase such an expensive pair of shoes. Most of the comments on-line are the same: head turns, exclusivity, and a general sense of significance (oh yeah, and “comfort”). What’s even more interesting is the man these shoes represent. A man who has humiliated handicapped fans, a man who compares himself to Jesus, a man who exhibits extreme anger issues, egocentrism, and materialism at its worst. And yet he’s so idolized that people line up by the thousands for a chance to buy a pair of shoes that are made in China for $10. For what? to feel famous? To feel exclusive? To be like Kanye? It illustrates the very flawed morality that has crept into our society. 

Totally off topic....but its still sound advice.  :)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

HotWife Anklets - BDSM - Cuckold Hotwife Jewelry.

 Part of the theme of my jewelry is the inclusion of symbols connected with whichever unique fetish aspect one is into. So with my Hotwife jewelry, I include charms that depict or represent a Bull, Chastity locks, Keys, Blue balls, Pearl Necklaces, Cocks, Dicks, etc.   :) 


Saturday, September 28, 2019

Stormy Daniels receiving $450,000 over strip club arrest....from Tax Payers. Miscellaneous Memes. :)

I hate when religious fundamentalists, with an agenda, pretending they have "morals", blocking, interrupting, messing with us "normal" people...and then we, you and I, have to pick up the tab. Tax payers will now have to fork out almost a half million dollars, because some moronic Trump loving cops wanted to harass Stormy and arrested her for vindictive revenge, out of a misguided sense of loyalty to that treasonous traitor to the USA...Donald Trump. 

Remember insane slag Kim Davis? She of the county clerks office who refused a few to issue marriage licenses to gay people because her version of Christianity condemns it. (Pity, the majority of Christians have almost zero knowledge or understanding of the Bible. You know, hermeneutics, allegorical, anagogical, etc.) Once again the tax payers have to foot the bill: 

You take these 2 cases, its pushing 3/4's of a million bucks. Extrapolate that, times 1000's, or 10's of 1000's of equally idiotic cases involving some semi-illiterate fundy and its 10's or 100's of millions per year, paid out for settlements, paid for by you, so some half-baked religious crank can try to score a few points. They should be required to pay for their own arrogance and personal agendas. These are not mistakes...these people know that their actions will go to court, lose and lose big. They don't care...because its not their money being paid out.


Proof...that the Republican agenda used to be about...sanity, responsibility, and people.  :)

A Lithuanian Woman in Traditional Garb.
I love this...every single piece of material, the cut, the accessories, love it. 


Group Hugs.... :) 


What Could Go Wong?
An idiot with...a homemade gun?
MAGA?  :)


 Red Wine Tragedy.  
A Red wine cistern catastrophically ruptures at a Sicilian winery.
Anybody got a straw?  :)

Thursday, September 26, 2019