Saturday, September 28, 2019

Stormy Daniels receiving $450,000 over strip club arrest....from Tax Payers. Miscellaneous Memes. :)

I hate when religious fundamentalists, with an agenda, pretending they have "morals", blocking, interrupting, messing with us "normal" people...and then we, you and I, have to pick up the tab. Tax payers will now have to fork out almost a half million dollars, because some moronic Trump loving cops wanted to harass Stormy and arrested her for vindictive revenge, out of a misguided sense of loyalty to that treasonous traitor to the USA...Donald Trump. 

Remember insane slag Kim Davis? She of the county clerks office who refused a few to issue marriage licenses to gay people because her version of Christianity condemns it. (Pity, the majority of Christians have almost zero knowledge or understanding of the Bible. You know, hermeneutics, allegorical, anagogical, etc.) Once again the tax payers have to foot the bill: 

You take these 2 cases, its pushing 3/4's of a million bucks. Extrapolate that, times 1000's, or 10's of 1000's of equally idiotic cases involving some semi-illiterate fundy and its 10's or 100's of millions per year, paid out for settlements, paid for by you, so some half-baked religious crank can try to score a few points. They should be required to pay for their own arrogance and personal agendas. These are not mistakes...these people know that their actions will go to court, lose and lose big. They don't care...because its not their money being paid out.


Proof...that the Republican agenda used to be about...sanity, responsibility, and people.  :)

A Lithuanian Woman in Traditional Garb.
I love this...every single piece of material, the cut, the accessories, love it. 


Group Hugs.... :) 


What Could Go Wong?
An idiot with...a homemade gun?
MAGA?  :)


 Red Wine Tragedy.  
A Red wine cistern catastrophically ruptures at a Sicilian winery.
Anybody got a straw?  :)


  1. I am delighted to hear she won her case but as you say she should never have been charged in the first place.

    i love that Lithuanian outfit. i have always hankered after a traditional Bavarian dirndl but don't have the tits to match.


    1. Fashion around the world...its just so beautiful, thoughtful and creative. It always makes me think how boring, drab,and "uniformish" ours is here in the USA. Pity, as we have so much cross-culture potential, availability and/or the ability to buy items and have them shipped from just about anywhere. :)
