Monday, December 16, 2024

Horny Slut Seeks Cock. :)


Someone sent me this. Just between us, I think the guy needs "help" (and yeah, he'll probably read this, which is why I'm saying it, lol) but it's beyond stupid and as a side note, I'm rather jealous of her options and the ability to have a Stable of Studs at beck and call. There is a dearth of dick (Dick Darth?) around here, living in a small area, wanting to be discrete, having sort of high standards, not just any guy will work. One of the downsides to being in a rural area or a small city or town. Anyway, I might need to do a Go Fund Me for the guy that sent this, to get him some meds as...where in the living fuck did he even come up with this? Joking about that, I think he has money (a good, $3 or $4 dollars anyway) but maybe spends too much time huffing paint and glue or something. Anyway, enjoy.  :) 


(Edited Portion)

Someone just contacted me and told me this is from a Mel Brooks movie, which I never saw. I know I'm odd, but I've watched very little TV in my life, and seen very few movies. No Cable, no Satellite, never seen a Netflix, no nothing of that nature, ever. Used to rent movies, a few comedies, but mostly documentaries, and I do watch same on YouTube while riding my bike or stretching, doing Pilates, Yoga etc...but for the most part, nope, which is why I'm usually ignorant to a lot of related cultural references and so on. I read, write, work, workout, cook, volunteer, bitch about politics, rant, read, eat, sleep, read, sometimes have sex (see above, dearth of dick) jog, hike, swim, play with my dogs and cats, read, and then sometimes when I have free time   :) 



  1. Shame the movie camera was placed the wrong way around, poor directing in my view. Front close up to see what she is seeing would have been much more, erm interesting.

    Nicely book-ended butt pictures. But i have to ask, what do you have on those shelves?


    1. Shelves? Books? I must be missing something Poppet...

  2. your a great writer, now I know why. sissy Bella

    1. Thank you for the (undeserved) compliment sissy Bella. :)

  3. 'History of the World, part 1'. These kinds of movies are unthinkable of making today.
    Madeline Kahn was a great actress, miss Chaland.
    Didn't had a long life, unfortunately.

    Kind regards,

    Marco (from Lady Lindsay)

    1. Indeed. And most unfortunate about the movies. I am not politically correct, proudly, and enjoy humor so... :)
