Sunday, September 22, 2024

What the Bleep Can I Eat?! :)



Ah yes, food. The food thing. Food stuff. You

Increasingly a lot of people are having food allergies, reactions, some very bad, some uncomfortable, some that are just unhealthy. There are a lot of preservatives, antibiotics, steroids, dyes and junk additives in our food. Some peoples bodies are tolerant to this, others are not. So, for those that are not, the link below has a plethora of information on food allergies, sensitivities, options, suggestions and alternatives. It can be very confusing, but for many people the quality of life can be substantially better by avoiding foods that trigger ill health and bad reactions.

I like eating. As you can tell, I'm always hunting and foraging in the kitchen. 

Submissive cuckolds need to eat as well.
However, regarding mine, he can....Eat This.

Failure to do so correctly, results in...this. 

Which then leads to a more compliant and eager submissive tongue slave. 



Yeah, I need help. I make my mannequins have orgies.  :) 


I forgot about this lovely snarky photo. Are women still doing the "FinDom" thing? Ever since I closed most of my social media accounts and left Fetlife years ago, I don't see much about it. But yeah, I created this to make fun of the 47 thousand billion women that were trying to do the "FinDom" thing...I mean, get a job. If you have health problems and are disabled, apply for SSI and whatever government programs exist that are (rightfully) there for people that need assistance. But stop pretending or assuming just because you have a vagina, men are supposed to pay your bills your whole life. That's not feminism, that's just being an entitled lazy lame ass. 


And back to food, from the standpoint of health, eating clean and working out will make a huge difference in body size, shape, weight, mass and overall health. And yes, it is indeed a touchy subject for some people, but I'm not sure why. Anyone, all of us, every single one of us, if we didn't move much and ate unhealthy food, and/or too much of it, would end up overweight, every single one of us, so it's not something to be defensive about. Just change it. It's hard, but it's not. Burn more calories than you take in and you will lose weight, period. This applies to people, male or female, and any animal on the planet. It's just science and biology. 

By a weird fluke, my husband took the photo of me (below/right) some time back at random, and then I realized I'd seen a similar type photo and body type and pose before. So, turns out it was of a marble statue of The Venus Callipyge, also known as the Aphrodite Kallipygos or the Callipygian Venus. This was created around 1st Century BC, and is a reproduction of one that was dated about 200 years earlier, so it's somewhere in the vicinity of 2100 to 2300 years old. The point being, is that (yes, genetics is a factor with some people) overall, the human body has not changed much in thousands of years, minus junk food and a more "leisurely" lifestyle. Side note, the word "callipygian" obviously stems from The Venus Callipyge so, I guess her having a word created in honor of her ass, is a compliment.  :)

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