Friday, June 7, 2024

Annnd Start the Hero Worship. :)


People like this guy, just everyday normal people, living an average life, job, income, existence, who persevere and press on, are admirable.   :) 


  1. Thanks so much for sharing Vanessa. That's awesome!

  2. Yes I can tell he trys very hard to fuck you. I am afraid he is no better at it than I am...Our cocks just do not measure up and probably do not even deserve pussy 1-2 times a year....Sorry but sometimes one has to honest...I wish we had a say in how big our cocks are made but we dont and my guess is some of us get them smaller because we are not much good for fucking but are good for being good husbands.

    1. I suspect you meant this for another post bdenied. :)
