Sunday, April 28, 2024

Pointless Blog Post? :)

A little something to brighten up your day.  
ZZ Top: Viva Las Vegas.  :) 

This was the Cincinnati Public Library, which was built in 1874 and demolished in 1955. What sort of jackasses demolished this fantastic building? I love, love, love, old architecture and "things". Old buildings, old world crafts, art, music, food, dance, some customs, habits and fashion. Sure, the modern world has a lot of lovely and useful "stuff", but a good part of it does not impress nor interest me. Mass produced cheapass plastic items, generic music, fast food, disposable clothing...bleh. Whatever. 

I just like this. 


It's odd when you see something like this, consider the math, the numbers, it makes you feel "connected" to your past, your ancestors, history, and humanity at large. 


How's the News?

Trump violated a gag order, while in a hearing about violating a gag order, over a trial where he paid hush money to a porn star he was banging, while his 3rd wife was pregnant with his 5th child. Just part of his 91 indictments, which go with his 6 bankruptcies, 3 failed marriages, two impeachments (the only president to "achieve" that) and below is a partial list (partial only) of some of his failed businesses. Trumpie is a "leader" alright...he leads all other humans in being...white trash. 

Moving right along...
An Arizona grand jury indicted Trump's chief of staff Mark Meadows, lawyer Rudy Giuliani and 16 others (all Republicans) for their roles in an attempt to overturn Trump’s loss to Biden in the 2020 election. Including the former state party chair, a U.S. Senate candidate and two sitting state lawmakers, who are charged with nine counts each of conspiracy, fraud and forgery. Trump himself was referred to as an unindicted co-conspirator.


Rudy Giuliani, with hair dye running down his face...and never forget, Giuliani needed Apple to help him unlock his iPhone...after being named Trumps cybersecurity adviser, and he butt-dialed an NBC reporter, twice, and was overheard discussing a need for cash and trashing the Bidens. What a crack squad of "stable geniuses" the entire Trumpie organization was.   :)

I guess this is somehow part of the modern GOP's "Family Values" and "Patriotic Nationalism" agenda, which befuddles me as how it is "vote worthy" by any sentient being or anyone with more than 2 brain cells. I do however know it proves, there was indeed interference and fraud during the last election...and virtually all of it was done by Trump and the GOP.   :)
Food News Report.
Earlier, I made spaghetti.
Then I ate spaghetti.
End of Food News Report.  :)
There seem to be a lot of college protests going on, wherein the faculty calls the police.  

Seems like we did this before, during the Vietnam war era.

Apparently the staff and police are under the impression that students and protestors are supposed to get a permit and stay in designated "protest" areas. News flash, if you have to obtain a "permit" to's not a protest, it's a fucking parade. I know some people think protests and "breaking the law" are in all cases unsavory and not a worthwhile effort of time and energy. I would point out a few examples of law breaking "protests"...
The American Revolution.
The Boston Tea Party.
The Civil War.
Civil Rights Marches of the 60's.
Gay name a few. 
Additional Food News Report.
 I ate far too much spaghetti.
Me so fat.   :)
Anyway, enough about all the "Rebels"...well, with one more exception.  :) 


  1. post needs more face sitting. ;)

    true story: Charlemagne is my 34th great grandfather. to be fair, he's related to much of the world, but I have a direct patrilineal line.

    that, and $4.50 will get you a cup of cofeve.

    regarding protests, I generally agree (and glad you included the civil war). where I part company is when those protests threaten or intimidate others, which happens all to much in our mean girls, extremely online, world.

    cheers, we missed you these past few weeks.


  2. Ms Vanessa,

    None of your posts are ever pointless.

    I made such a comment once about one of my Wife's posts (way back in the day) and i couldn't sit comfortably for several days.


    sissy terrie
