Friday, November 24, 2023

Okay...Enough Internet For Today. :)

Meet "Aitana López".

So, AI. Supposedly this could be a good thing. Thus far...I'm not so sure. Part of the Hollywood SAG strike was over studios wanting to pay actors for one day, to "map" their face, body and voice, then have the ability to create movies based on that, in perpetuity, without having to pay the actors...ever again. 

There are now a plethora of news articles about teen boys taking photos of teen girls in school, then using AI type editing stuff to make fake nudes of her...without her knowledge, nor consent, passing them around, and she's not even aware of it, initially. 

Using an AI model to avoid "influencers" egos and attitudes, I get. Side note on that, I have never, and will never, be "influenced" by some stupid-ass "influencer" on Tik-Tok, YouTube, Instagram, or even mainstream regular TV for that matter...ever. I totally ignore all TV commercials, mute them, same with YouTube, billboards, ads in magazines, fliers in the mail, just ignore them outright, always have. 

I saw an article where non-fiction writers are suing AI companies for plagiarism. The literary, music, TV, porn, advertising, architecture and other industries are having every single thing they ever created, "sucked up", swiped, stolen, ripped off, by these companies (of which Facebook, Microsoft, Google etc are included). The companies intend on scanning the Internet and harvesting everything, for their use, without proper credit, or compensation....the greedy unethical fucks. The lawsuits are firing up, globally. This will be a massive, enormous legal battle, which will go on for years, decades, maybe forever. 

I know people talk about applications for medical technology, the ability to diagnose disease, figure out treatments and things like that, which would be great. But there's also the aspect of using the same technology to make fake photos and video, for crimes, blackmail, fake political ads, to make people appear as if they're confessing to crimes (which they never did, and don't even know the video was made) and examples of that nature, which is going to create a clusterfuck for courts, juries, anything criminal related, and of course for voters seeing fake ads depicting competitors in a negative light. 

What is my point about this? Nothing really, just babbling and rambling.  :) 

Trumps Thanksgiving Day Message. 

That boy needs help. I mean...he's deranged, unhinged, stupid, clueless, nutty, out of touch and just totally insane. 
What I want from technology.  :)


Sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, all needs to be taken seriously, very seriously. What's aggravating about this article and this that it is *not* taking the aforementioned...seriously.

This is mostly a last moment money grab by a bunch of pissed off jilted girlfriends, lovers, ex-wives and whatever. Look, I get some people (mostly women, but sometimes men) are violated, traumatized, need time to process and deal with it before wanting to take legal action. But there has to be a limit. You can't pop up 30, 40, 50 or more years later accusing someone of something, with no evidence, no possible way to provide evidence, just to shake them down for some money. Saying this upsets a lot of women. They rant about the "sisterhood" and not sticking together. Fuck that. 

I always point out to someone that says something like that to "personalize" it. Meaning, don't think about some random rich guy that might pay out some money, maybe even a few million, the whole "Go get your money girlfriend" thing. Visualize the accused is your younger brother, father, cousin, son, or husband. Visualize a gold digger comes out of the woodwork, claiming that said person, 47 years ago, groped them, grabbed them, had sex with them, it's now a "She said---He Said" thing, no DNA, no witnesses, no evidence...but write me a big ass check and I'll drop the way.  

Remember the Johnny Depp - Amber Heard trial? She accused him of XYZ, turns out *she* was guilty of XYZ, plus ABC, and LMNOP, vile disgusting acts, plus violence, against him. Newsflash...some women lie. People lie. Some human beings...lie. Regardless of sex or gender...some people lie. Just because it's a woman making the accusation does *not* mean it's true. I detest the "Woman as Professional Victim" mentality so prevalant in our society, it's a disservice to women, and to *true* victims of crime, it's not about empowering women, it's not right, it's not fair, it's not just, it needs to stop and be stopped. 

So, in this case, these "victims" were not much bothered by whatever effrontery they claim, for decades, in some cases nearly half a century, until a few days before the time-frame to file lawsuits expires, then suddenly the courts are flooded, a vertitable tsunami type flood, with lawsuits...not with the expectation of a trail, a jury, or anyone going to jail, but with the hope and intent of....a massive check to them...and their snake-in-the-grass shady lawyers. Fuck that, fuck them, they should fuck off, all of them.

Okay, I will now shut up, go make some tea, and read a book...or something.  :)


  1. Good luck to the algorithm that tries to replicate you Vanessa, that would have to be some kind of truly unique bot with a great butt :)

    i agree with you on AI in that a) there are a lot of positive game-changing possibilities it opens up but b) the potential for damage and chaos cannot be under-estimated. It definitely needs regulating.


    1. Regulation would be good. However, part of me fears the regulating regulators that would regulate AI, might be, made up of AI...regulators. How would we know the regulators are real...and not just AI? If that makes sense, lol. :)

    2. It's definitely a conundrum, but i have an idea. Make you the regulator :)


    3. Nah. I'm an AIB. Artificially Intelligent...Bitch, lol. :)

  2. In reference to Trump,none of those adjectives should preclude him from being president.

    1. He never should have even been allowed on stage of the first debate, for his first run, much less the nominee, much less win. Just shows how fucking stupid modern day GOP voters are. :)

  3. Hey Vanessa:)
    It hurts my brain to think about GOP voters
    Hope you are well

    1. It only hurts you. Thinking does not hurt GOP voters brains as...they either don't have one, or refuse to use it. :)

  4. It’s bad enough that they’re morons
    It’s worse that they’re mean spirited bigoted morons hiding behind a veil of their supposed religious hypocrisy
    How in the world did we ever end up with Mike Johnson?
    The befuddled

    1. Everything you just on accurate. It's just baffling, stunning, confusing and nauseating.

  5. Ai chat bots are going to completely replace some avenues of sex work. I’ve been experimenting with some platforms and they way can adapt to pretty much any fetish and fantasy is already like 85% there. Once they can better generate fake avatars for text-to-speech, it’s all over for non-tech savvy phone sex operators and cam girls.

    1. I'm sure you are correct. And then the robots, the sex robots, will replace hookers. And other forms of robots are/will replace most agricultural workers. They now have a brick layer robot. Japan has been using robots for waiters and waitresses for years. At some point robots will replace most doctors, cops, Uber and taxi drivers, airline pilots, pretty much you name it. The future will not be bright for most people. Sorry to sound alarmist...but it's true.
