Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Non-Post BlogPost... :)


I have not been doing many posts of late as...I'm not motivated to write much. 
What would I write about...I find myself asking...

Yes please.
Doing it, loving it, enjoying it, but have written so many books and blogs posts about it, I sort of figure regular readers might find it repetitive, because, you know, what you enjoy is sort of always the same. I mean, I am kinky, but my kinks are within the parameters of what I enjoy, within the kink spectrum, and once that has been written about again and again, I presume readers will have had their fill of it. 
You know, insert Tab A into Slot B and Ride-n-Romp!  :)

Social issues?
Sure, I could expound on that, but I gather some people are tired of it, have seen other bloggers state with vitriol their aversion to it, and am indeed myself a tad exhausted by it. At the same time, my perspective on "politics" is...politics is simply a set of rules, laws, norms and modes of interaction that we, human beings, created to regulate ourselves and society. So to that end, a discussion between 3 people on what movie to watch, or what to eat, is "political" as it's a democracy rules sort of discourse on deciding what to do. 

Along those lines, I can't really talk, think, write about sex, without acknowledging where it intersects with issues such as...reproductive rights, gay rights, porn, book burnings, censorship, whether or not some states try to regulate whether or not you can own a dildo, or how many, or what position you can have sex in, or whether or not an exchange of goods or services for sex equals prostitution, and whether or not that should be legal, trans rights, my distate for some aspects of that agenda (biological men competing in sports against biological women) the pronoun debate, buttsex (just threw that in to see if anyone is paying attention) adoption, whether or not insurance should cover the cost of Viagra, and on and on. 

The nutty nutters that are some of our elected "leaders" endlessly piss me off, but we are all inundated with those numbnutted nutty nutters and their stupid ass, bat guano crazy, greed laden, power hungry personal agendas. 

(Get your ass to the gym.)
Human rights?
The so called "Cancel Culture"?
(Fuck them, all of them, both sides of the political aisle. I value free speech and have nary a single fuck to give about "political correctness", as I prefer facts, science, honesty, biology, history, logic, common know, truth.) 

Mix it up, stir the sauce, simmer, season to taste, wolf it down.  

So, what we have is...a non-post blog post...about nothing. But beyond that, I hope everyone is doing just fine, staying healthy, hydrated, using sun block, flossing, working out, educating themselves, expanding their minds, being safe and happy.  :) 


  1. Many of us always enjoy your blog posts Vanessa, whatever you choose to write about. Your posts are amongst the most well written, funny and sexy that there are to be found on this internet bloggy thingy ma jig. So please keep posting.

    As for politics, well i always liked the words of Skunk Anansie when she wrote:

    'Yes it's fuckin' political
    Everything's political'

    'Cause everything is political. Blogging is a political act, sex in its many forms can most definitely be a political act. My submission to my Owner is a political act etc.

    Keep blogging, we'll keep reading and enjoying whatever you have to say.


    1. Thank you for the very kind message Poppet. And I do admire your tech knowledge when it comes to specific details such as..."internet bloggy thingy ma jig". Impressive. :)

  2. "(Fuck them, all of them, both sides of the political aisle. I value free speech and have nary a single fuck to give about "political correctness", as I prefer facts, science, honesty, biology, history, logic, common know, truth.) "

    Absolutely LOVE this and completely agree. Keep doing your thing, please.

    “There’s a set of facts. You don’t get to debate your way to a set of different facts because the facts are the reality and different facts are opinions that you want to believe are facts.” - John Cadogan

    1. Glad you agree Sub Hub. Fire is hot. I don't care if you're left, center or is hot. Facts are facts... :)

  3. I've followed you for years, there, and everywhere I've found you. You don't know that because I can't figure how to link my Google account to my comments so I always show up as anonymous. I got over it. The main thing I want to know is that you're faring well, brushing and flossing, eating a well balanced diet, and getting plenty of exercise. So, I check on you from time to time because I like you and even if you don't have anything to write about I'm always glad to see your words.

    1. Following me?
      Cock Stalker?
      Like Cock Blocking...but stalking?
      Do you block a Cock Blocker?
      Do you block a Cock Stalker?
      Or do you invite him in...and offer him a drink?, back to writing...about nothing.
      Thank you KC. :)

    2. Nothing that creepy. I followed you on Fetlife and Reddit and here but I wouldn't try to find you or anything like that. I'm pretty sure you could kick my butt and I surely don't want one of your spankings. I admire you and if you lived next door I would definitely be friendly (I'm not especially neighborly naturally) but I'm not the stalker type. I can fantasize about serving under in your Queening and not get carried away. Amazing no?

    3. Ah yes....Fetlife and Reddit. Places I am mostly persona non grata. Sort of forgot about those sites. No independant thinking or commentary allowed, lol. Pity, as I used to really enjoy Fetlife, and thought it was one of the best laid out websites I ever came across, very user friendly, prior to it becoming a PC cult. It's odd how things changed over the years. Still, thank you for the compliments...they are appreciated KC. :)

  4. Well regardless of what you write about you are certainly not hard to look at and you are very easy on the eyes and that photo is certainly very sexy....and love the tease that what the eyes want to see we cant so it makes it even sexier.

  5. @ vanessachaland You commented "Ah yes....Fetlife and Reddit....No independant thinking or commentary allowed," I was on reddit the other day and had left a comemnt on a post. Someone commented to me about what I wrote and when I went to reply to them , I was shocked that the moderator had removed their commentand gave the reason was that it was mean to me, demeaned my comment, involved slut shaming and was not to be tolerated. Wow.. I was not in the least offended and frankly had I been, I am a big boy, wear big boy panties and am more than capeable of sticking up for myself. I also know how to respond to someone who disagrees with me with out being disagreeable myself or being disprectful to that person. I hate this censorship of ideas that do not comport to the group think. My guess is you do too and for that we should all be greatful.

    1. The whole PC thing on social killing social media. If the only things allowed are comments like "Good Morning" and "Nice weather today" one is going to continue to frequent those sites. I abhor (ab whore?) nanny states in government, and equally so on websites or social media. It is *the* reason I deleted my Fetlife/Twitter/Reddit (and others) profiles. No desire to deal with that nonsense....those power tripping cunt ass whore fuckmorons, lol. :)
