Monday, March 6, 2023

Dicks Are Growing... :)

Alrighty then...according to one new study, mens dicks are growing larger.
According to another survey, mens dicks are growing (ungrowing?) smaller.
So, can we get some clarity on this dickish topic?  :) 

According to the Stanford study, male genitalia is getting longer, and the average length of their member has increased by 24% over the course of the past 29 years. After analyzing the data, the Standford researchers discovered that the average erect phallus had increased substantially in size. Over the years the average male erection went from 4.8 inches/12.1cm to 6 inches/15.24cm.

While the study on the increase in the size of the male member was rather complete, some researchers say the opposite is true. Dr Shanna Swan wrote a book titled 'Count Down' in which she claims that the size of male genitalia is shrinking. In 'Count Down,' Dr Swan claims that pollution is also the culprit of smaller johnsons. Swan says that her research indicates that a disruption "is caused by phthalates, chemicals used in plastic manufacturing, which can impact how the hormone endocrine is produced."

In addition, apparently these dicks, larger or small, growing or not, are shooting less sperm, which means less reproduction. So, more big dick fun, but less "junk" shot means less kids. Win/win? I mean, the world is seriously overpopulated as it is, so...lower pregnancy rates would be a good thing for a few decades.

CNN reported: "Overall, the researchers determined that sperm counts fell by slightly more than 1% per year between 1973 and 2018. The study concluded that globally, the average sperm count had fallen 52% by 2018."

All I know is this sort of article reminds me of so many "medical" related studies we see, one day a study determines, red wine, eggs, etc are good for you, the next day a study concludes, not so much. Same with certain medications, aspirin, and so on. It's important on the important issues, to make sure to know who funded the research due to nefarious companies, Universities, etc, with an agenda.  

Oh, by the way, the photo at the top? Yeah...sent to me by a potential bull/ least he says it's his dick. Still considering him as, if it's true...I'd enjoy it.  :) 


  1. Hi Vanessa - Mine has always been pretty small, truth be told if i could somehow shrink it down further, say to thumb size or below, i would as it serves no sexual function. As for that dick shot, willing to share? :)


    1. I've come across a few that would prefer to be smaller...which is an interesting concept. :)

  2. Vanessa, as usual a lot of mixed messages in the health care and personal care world…and that is quite a schlong for sure…Is that the new average the article refers too?

    I can appreciate your enthusiasm….and interest…size is an important element in your books, and to you, for certain….

    That penis length is increasing is not surprising….men and women are taller than the previous generation and I have noticed a significant difference in height of the generations of Asian men and Women….so I would suspect bigger penises….and perhaps the same for breasts….

    I am impressed at the breadth of your reading material… always I enjoyed…thanks for sharing….


    1. I take your point HS...but regarding increased breast size, is that due to nature, weight gain, or "bolt-on tits"? :)

  3. Personally I suspect nature…in general over all……..”bolt on tits…now there is something new to me……..LOL…..ha, ha!

    1. Bolt-on, glue-on, strap-on,'s a "thing". :)
