Sunday, August 21, 2022 Not a Blog Post. :)

A mans with a woman seated on his face.  :) 

Queening Chairs - Dual Access.  

Blast from the Past!
Girls Night Out.  :) 

Queening Chair - Spanking Bench Combo. 



Holy Ballsy Cock!  
They're making some damn good looking dildos these days. :) 


It's about fucking time. Seriously, what the hell took them so long? I mean, the Evangelicals, the "Christianists", the radicals, have been embarrassing any and all "real" Christians for...about 20 years (since the ugly Bush era). And yet for almost a quarter of a century these credulous sheep, these spineless gutless wimps, have largely said nothing while the GOP has done absolutely horrible things to other human beings, to innocent people, invaded impoverished tiny nations, decimated the environment and the entire planet, and...nothing. Silence. No words about how this agenda has, and had, nothing to do with the message of Jesus. Fucking wussies.  

Inline with the above article....would withholding medical care from minors be Jesus approved? I think not. 

Double checking this headline...the GOP is rejecting, rejecting dictionaries, from schools, until they can be approved by a GOP hand picked "certified media specialist". You know who does this? Dictators and Despots from 3rd World Banana Republics...that's who does this. Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Saudi Arabia, China, the Taliban. No one, I mean no one, no one in any evolved 1st World Nation has government appointed lackeys approve what school kids can read...from a fucking dictionary. Fuck me...

MAGA Taliban housewife gives relationship advice. 


These shoes...are out of fucking control!!   :) 

The End.  :) 


  1. Ms. Vanessa,

    Blog post or not, thank You for the beautiful pictures :)

    As to the maga's and Christianity, remember...for evil to succeed it has to disguise itself as being good, and get other people to believe it.


    sissy terrie

    1. Thank you for the compliment Terrie and yes, your other point is well stated and totally accurate. :)

  2. Nice ass Vanessa!:)
    Glad to see you have resisted the urge to wear pants:)
    I play golf most days and am looking for a clothing optional golf club
    Not having any luck!:)
    My eternal puzzlement is how republicans get anyone to vote for them…….
    They are quite literally wrong about everything….
    And mean and nasty to boot
    And chronic constant liars…..about everything
    And “Christians” are their reliable base
    I guess if you think dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time you will believe anything….
    Stupid is as stupid does
    Good to see you pushing fetish furniture for the orgy rooms!!!

    1. All points noted and agreed with...with the exception of golf. That is one stupid ass game. Enjoy your evening WC. :)

  3. Woke: awareness of facts or situations…..
    No wonder the right doesn’t like wokeness
    Such dumbassery is sadly typical

  4. Dammed if I know
    They just make shit up

  5. The Transformed Wife must be from Texas. If I was driving from Florida to New Mexico I'd drive around that fucking state. Seriously we should give it back to Mexico with a caveat they have to take all the nuts with it.
